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CONCLUDING the Keystone XL Pipeline Controversy

机译:总结Keystone XL管道争议

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TransCanada's Keystone pipeline system is considered one of the most extensively planned oil pipeline projects in North America. It was designed to be the major transport carrier of Canadian syncrude oil to U.S. refining centers in the Midwest and Gulf Coast region. The controversial Phase 4, more commonly referred to as Keystone XL, was to provide a second crude carrier line with an additional 830,000 barrels per day (bpd) from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, Kan. Since the XL pipeline crosses the U.S.-Canadian border, it required a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State, which so far has not been forthcoming.
机译:TransCanada的Keystone管道系统被认为是北美规划最广泛的石油管道项目之一。它被设计为加拿大中性油到中西部和墨西哥湾沿岸地区美国炼油中心的主要运输载体。争议性的第4阶段,通常称为Keystone XL,是要提供第二条原油运输线,每天从阿尔伯塔省的Hardisty到堪萨斯州的斯蒂尔市,提供额外的830,000桶/天。在加拿大边境,它需要获得美国国务院的总统许可,到目前为止尚未实现。



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