首页> 外文期刊>North American Journal of Fisheries Management >Effects of Appendaged Circle Hook Use on Catch Rates and Deep Hooking of Black Sea Bass in a Recreational Fishery

Effects of Appendaged Circle Hook Use on Catch Rates and Deep Hooking of Black Sea Bass in a Recreational Fishery


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Previous studies have demonstrated that circle hooks modified with an appendage can reduce the occurrence of deep hooking in some fishes. To determine whether this modification affects total catch and deep-hooking rate of Black Sea Bass Centropristis striata in a recreational fishery off the coast of Florida, anglers were provided with standardized gear that included one appendaged and one nonappendaged hook. Both hook types were fished equally, and a greater number of Black Sea Bass were caught on appendaged hooks (n = D 301) than on nonappendaged hooks (n = 221). There was no significant difference in the mean TL (P = 0.80) of jaw-or deep-hooked fish during the study. Logistic regression was applied to the data using anatomical hooking location as the dependent variable and angler, hook position, and hook type as categorical factors. Hook type was the only significant variable in the final model (P = 0.03) in which fewer fish were deep hooked on appendaged hooks (0.96%) than on nonappendaged hooks (2.11%). Our findings indicate appendaged hooks are capable of reducing deep hooking of Black Sea Bass without reducing catch rates or altering size composition of the catch.
机译:先前的研究表明,用附肢修饰的圆形钩可以减少某些鱼类中深钩的发生。为了确定此修改是否影响佛罗里达州沿海休闲渔业中黑海鲈鱼的总捕捞量和深钩率,向垂钓者提供了标准装备,包括一个附加的钩和一个非附加的钩。两种钓钩的捕捞方式均等,并且在附有钓钩(n = D 301)上钓到的黑海鲈比在非附装钓钩(n = 221)上钓到的鱼更多。在研究过程中,下颚或深钩鱼的平均TL(P = 0.80)没有显着差异。使用解剖学钩挂位置作为因变量,以钓鱼者,钩挂位置和钩类型作为分类因子,对数据进行逻辑回归。在最终模型中,钩子类型是唯一的重要变量(P = 0.03),其中深钩在附生钩上的鱼(0.96%)比未附连钩上的鱼(2.11%)少。我们的发现表明,附加的钩子能够减少黑海鲈鱼的深钩,而不会降低捕获率或改变捕获物的大小组成。



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