
Woodland Healt


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Iwas working on an article about Locust Leaf Miner when I got this photo from my friend and colleague, Peter Smallidge. He suggested it might be good to write something about firewood movement and I can't agree more. Since the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) instituted the ban on moving untreated firewood more than 50 miles from its point of origin, the vast majority of comments I've heard reflect a lack of understanding about why this is so important and how it willimpact our forest resources. I get it. Firewood is important to me too. I burn three cords a year and could not live without a wood stove in the house. Any threat to this way of life concerns me. However, from a forest health perspective this regulationis a critical first step in our struggle to slow the spread of invasive non-native forest pests. It's important that we recognize that the movement of any kind of untreated wood will enhance the spread of these pests and make their management more difficult.
机译:当我从我的朋友和同事彼得·斯莫里奇(Peter Smallidge)收到这张照片时,我正在撰写有关蝗虫叶矿机的文章。他建议写些关于柴火的动作可能是件好事,我对此表示同意。自从纽约州环境保护部(NYSDEC)禁止将未经处理的木柴移动到离原木超过50英里的禁令以来,我所听到的绝大多数评论都反映出人们对这一点如此重要的认识不足,并且它将如何影响我们的森林资源。我知道了。柴火对我也很重要。我一年要烧三根电线,如果没有柴炉,就无法生存。对这种生活方式的任何威胁都与我有关。但是,从森林健康的角度来看,该法规是我们为减慢非本地入侵性森林有害生物扩散的努力所迈出的关键的第一步。重要的是,我们认识到,任何未经处理的木材的移动都会增加这些害虫的传播,并使它们的处理更加困难。



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