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Pathophysiology and management of intracranial arterial stenosis around the circle of Willis associated with hyperthyroidism: case reports and literature review


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Cases of moyamoya disease or intracranial arterial stenosis around the circle of Willis (M/IAS) associated with hyperthyroidism have been reported. However, most of these previous reports were of the ischemic form of M/ IAS and primary hyperthyroidism. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have documented therapy for M/ IAS associated with hyperthyroidism. We discuss four previously unreported cases, including those involving the intracerebral hemorrhage form and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion from a pituitary adenoma (secondary hyperthyroidism). We analyzed data from 52 previously reported cases, including the 4 cases presented here, and discuss M/IAS associated with hyperthyroidism, treatment options, pathophysiology, the ischemic and hemorrhagic forms, secondary hyperthyroidism, and the relevant literature. Hyperthyroidism results in thyrotoxicosis and the stimulation of the superior cervical ganglion by TSH antibodies and f-T3/f-T4. Consequently, hypercoagulability and stenosis of the cerebral artery can occur. There are many reports of ischemic M/IAS associated with hyperthyroidism. A conservative approach to treatment is important in such cases; for example, antithyroid therapy should be the first choice to treat ischemic M/IAS. There have been only a limited number of reports on hemorrhagic M/IAS. We presume that hemorrhagic M/IAS tears the weakened vasculature in a manner similar to that of normal M/IAS (with no complicating hyperthyroidism). The authors also reported M/IAS associated with secondary hyperthyroidism due to pituitary thyroid secreting hormone secreting adenoma.
机译:据报道,与威斯康星病有关的烟雾病或在威利斯圆周围的颅内动脉狭窄(M / IAS)的病例。但是,这些先前的报告大多数是M / IAS的缺血形式和原发性甲亢。据我们所知,尚无研究记录甲亢伴IAS的治疗。我们讨论了四个以前未报告的病例,包括那些涉及脑内出血形式和垂体腺瘤(继发性甲状腺功能亢进症)分泌的促甲状腺激素(TSH)的病例。我们分析了52例先前报道的病例(包括此处介绍的4例病例)的数据,并讨论了与甲亢相关的M / IAS,治疗选择,病理生理学,缺血性和出血性形式,继发性甲亢和相关文献。甲状腺功能亢进会导致甲状腺毒性,并通过TSH抗体和f-T3 / f-T4刺激上颈神经节。因此,会发生脑动脉的高凝性和狭窄。有许多与甲亢相关的缺血性M / IAS的报道。在这种情况下,保守的治疗方法很重要。例如,抗甲状腺治疗应该是治疗缺血性M / IAS的首选。关于出血性M / IAS的报道很少。我们假设出血性M / IAS以与正常M / IAS相似的方式撕裂弱化的脉管系统(没有复杂的甲状腺功能亢进症)。作者还报道了由于垂体甲状腺分泌激素分泌腺瘤与继发性甲亢相关的M / IAS。



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