
CNS inputs to the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat.


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The neural circuits that modulate the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the rat were studied with the retrograde transneuronal tracer--pseudorabies virus. First-order afferents were also identified using cholera toxin beta subunit. Olfactory processing regions (viz., main olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, taenia tecta, endopiriform nucleus, medial amygdaloid nucleus, piriform cortex, and posteriomedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus) were virally labeled. The subfornical organ directly innervates SCN; two other circumventricular organs: organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and area postrema provide multisynaptic inputs. Direct limbic afferents arise from lateral septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, amygdalohippocampal zone, and ventral subiculum; multineuronal connections come from the basolateral and basomedial amygdaloid nuclei, ventral hippocampus, amygdalopiriform area, as well as lateral entorhinal, perirhinal, and ectorhinal cortices. Most preoptic regions project directly to SCN. Multisynaptic inputs come from the lateral preoptic region. Hypothalamic inputs originate from the anterior, arcuate, dorsal, dorsomedial, lateral, paraventricular, posterior, periventricular posterior, retrochiasmatic, subparaventricular, ventromedial and tuberomammillary nuclei. Paraventricular thalamic nucleus, intergeniculate leaflet and zona incerta directly innervate SCN. Polyneuronal inputs arise from the subparafascicular parvicellular thalamic nucleus. Brainstem afferents originate from the pretectum, superior colliculus, periaqueductal gray matter, parabrachial nucleus, pedunculopontine nucleus, raphe system, locus coeruleus, nucleus incertus and reticular formation. Nucleus tractus solitarius, C3 catecholamine region, rostral ventrolateral medulla and spinal trigeminal nucleus provide indirect inputs.We propose that the SCN receives feedback primarily from interoceptive systems such as the circumventricular, autonomic, and neuroendocrine systems that are important in the central regulation of glucose metabolism (e.g., insulin and glucocorticoids).
机译:用逆行跨神经示踪剂-伪狂犬病病毒研究了调节大鼠视交叉上核(SCN)的神经回路。还使用霍乱毒素β亚基鉴定了一级传入。嗅觉加工区(即,主要嗅球,嗅前核、,带,内膜状核,杏仁核内侧核,梨状皮层和后内侧皮质杏仁核)被病毒标记。 for下器官直接支配SCN。另外两个周围的脑室器官:终板层的器官血管和后区域,提供了多突触输入。直接的边缘传入是由外侧隔,终末纹的床核,杏仁核海马区和腹侧下丘产生的;多神经元连接来自基底外侧和基底体杏仁核,腹侧海马,扁桃体样区域,以及外侧内嗅皮层,皮层和皮层皮质。大多数视前区直接投影到SCN。多突触输入来自侧视前区域。下丘脑输入源于前,弓形,背,背膜,外侧,脑室旁,后,脑室后,反睫状,脑室下,腹膜和结核母核。脑室旁丘脑核,间质小叶和不透明带直接支配SCN。多神经元输入来自束下的小脑丘脑丘脑核。脑干传入神经起源于前盖,上丘,导水管周围灰质,臂臂旁核,足小脑桥核,沟系统,蓝斑轨迹,不活动核和网状结构。孤束核,C3儿茶酚胺区域,延髓腹侧延髓和脊柱三叉神经核提供间接输入。我们建议SCN主要从诸如环房,自主和神经内分泌系统之类的感受性系统接收反馈,这些系统在葡萄糖代谢的中央调节中起重要作用(例如胰岛素和糖皮质激素)。



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