首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Antinociceptive role of galanin in periaqueductal grey of rats with experimentally induced mononeuropathy.

Antinociceptive role of galanin in periaqueductal grey of rats with experimentally induced mononeuropathy.


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The present study was performed in rats with experimentally induced mononeuropathy after left common sciatic nerve ligation. The hindpaw withdrawal latencies to thermal and mechanical stimulation increased significantly after intra-periaqueductal grey injection of 2 or 3nmol, but not 1nmol of galanin in rats with mononeuropathy. Intraperitoneal administration of 4.5mg/kg morphine induced significant increases in hindpaw withdrawal latencies to both noxious stimulation, which were attenuated by following intra-periaqueductal grey injection of 2nmol of the galanin antagonist galantide. Furthermore, the antinociceptive effect induced by intra-periaqueductal grey injection of 26.6nmol of morphine was attenuated significantly by following intra-periaqueductal gray administration of 2nmol of galantide.The results demonstrated that in periaqueductal grey galanin plays an antinociceptive role in rats with mononeuropathy and galanin is involved in the mechanisms of opioid-induced antinociception.
机译:本研究是在结扎左坐骨神经后,在实验性单神经病大鼠中进行的。在患有单一神经病的大鼠中,经水周内灰色注射甘丙肽2或3nmol,但未注射1nmol甘丙肽后,热和机械刺激的后爪退缩潜伏期显着增加。腹膜内施用4.5mg / kg吗啡会导致两种有害刺激的后爪退缩潜伏期显着增加,在围导管周内灰色注射2nmol甘丙肽拮抗剂加兰肽后,这种潜伏期会减弱。此外,在腹腔内灰色给予2nmol的加兰肽后,经腹腔内灰色注射26.6nmol吗啡诱导的镇痛作用显着减弱。参与阿片类药物诱导的伤害感受机制。



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