首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Habenula lesions alter synaptic plasticity within the fimbria-accumbens pathway in the rat.

Habenula lesions alter synaptic plasticity within the fimbria-accumbens pathway in the rat.


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Both the habenula and the nucleus accumbens, and especially the glutamatergic innervation of the latter from the hippocampus, have been hypothesized to be involved, in different ways, in the pathophysiology of cognitive disturbances in schizophrenia. Lesions of the habenula produce disturbances of memory and attention in experimental animals. As the habenular nuclei have been shown to influence the release of many neurotransmitters, both in the hippocampus and the nucleus accumbens, we examined in this study the effects of bilateral habenula lesions on the plasticity of the fimbria-nucleus accumbens pathway, by means of the long-term depression phenomenon in freely moving rats. Long-term depression, induced within the shell region of the nucleus accumbens by low-frequency stimulation of the fimbria, was exaggerated and showed greater persistence in habenula-lesioned rats compared with sham-operated animals. These results indicate that plasticity in the fimbria-nucleus accumbens pathway is altered by habenula lesions in a way similar to previously-reported effects of stress and the psychosis-provoking agent ketamine. Moreover, they strengthen the views that the habenula belongs to systems, mediating higher cognitive functions, which involve the hippocampus and the nucleus accumbens. Finally, this study suggests that dysfunction of the habenula could contribute to cognitive alterations in diseases such as schizophrenia, where the habenula is reported to exhibit exaggerated calcification.
机译:假设唇形核和伏隔核,尤其是伏隔核和海马的谷氨酸能神经支配以不同的方式参与了精神分裂症的认知障碍的病理生理。 ben的病变在实验动物中产生记忆力和注意力障碍。由于已证明the状核可影响海马和伏隔核中许多神经递质的释放,因此我们在本研究中研究了双侧ha突损伤对伏隔-核伏隔途径可塑性的影响。自由活动大鼠的长期抑郁现象。与假手术的动物相比,在ben核病变的大鼠中,低频振动刺激了伏隔核的壳区域内引起的长期抑郁被夸大,并表现出更大的持久性。这些结果表明,ha核病变改变了伏隔核-伏隔核途径中的可塑性,其作用方式与先前报道的压力和精神病诱发剂氯胺酮的作用相似。此外,他们强化了哈贝努尔属于系统的观点,介导了更高的认知功能,涉及海马体和伏隔核。最后,这项研究表明,the管功能障碍可能会导致精神分裂症等疾病的认知改变,据报道,ha管表现出夸张的钙化。



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