首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Muscle reinnervation following neonatal nerve crush. Interactive effects of glycosaminoglycans and insulin-like growth factor-I.

Muscle reinnervation following neonatal nerve crush. Interactive effects of glycosaminoglycans and insulin-like growth factor-I.


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This study shows that glycosaminoglycans promote muscle reinnervation following neonatal sciatic nerve injury. Such an effect appears to be mediated by insulin-like growth factor-1. The glycosaminoglycan moiety of proteoglycans is a constituent of the basal lamina active on nerve regeneration by means of the interaction with laminin and with several growth factors. We have previously shown that supplementation of glycosaminoglycans affects neuronal degeneration and regeneration. In this study we report that following neonatal lesion of the rat sciatic nerve glycosaminoglycan treatment promoted extensor digitorum longus muscle reinnervation with consequent improvement of muscle morphology. In saline-treated rats, reinnervation was only partial and there was a marked muscle fibre atrophy. In addition glycosaminoglycan treatment of lesioned rats increased insulin-like growth factor-I messenger RNA and protein in the reinnervated muscle, and insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 plasma levels. Similarly, treatment of nerve lesioned rats with insulin-like growth factor-I promoted muscle reinnervation and prevention of muscle fibre atrophy, higher levels of insulin-like growth factor-I in the reinnervated muscle and of insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in plasma. These data suggest that glycosaminoglycans are potent stimulants of muscle reinnervation and that their effects may be mediated by increased levels of insulin-like growth factor-I.



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