首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Expression of estrogen receptor alpha exon-deleted mRNA variants in the human and non-human primate frontal cortex.

Expression of estrogen receptor alpha exon-deleted mRNA variants in the human and non-human primate frontal cortex.


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Although estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) mRNA has been detected in the primate frontal cortex, the types of ERalpha transcripts expressed, including exon-deleted variants (Delta), have not been determined in the monkey or human frontal cortex. Because the types of ERalpha mRNA expressed in brain could define neuronal responses to estrogens, we examined the transcript pool of ERalpha mRNAs expressed in normal adult and developing human and macaque frontal cortex. We reverse transcribed total RNA from the postmortem frontal cortex of 29 normal adult humans, 12 rhesus macaques, and 19 people ranging from infants to adults and employed two rounds of nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to generate ERalpha products spanning the coding domain. In a third nested PCR, we used primers specific for novel sequences of exon-exon junctions created when whole exons are missing. By sequencing PCR products, we detected 60 instances of 12 distinct DeltaERalpha mRNAs in adult humans and 94 instances of 13 distinct DeltaERalpha mRNAs in monkeys in differing patterns from one individual to another. In adult humans, 83% of individuals expressed at least 1 DeltaERalpha mRNA variant, and 100% of the monkeys expressed at least 1 DeltaERalpha mRNA variant. The single Delta2, Delta5, and Delta7 variants were frequently expressed in both human and monkey frontal cortex, Delta3 variants were rare in both species, and Delta6 variants were more frequently expressed in monkeys. In both species, we detected double, triple and quadruple Deltas, but these were less common than single Deltas. The pattern of human variant expression did not appear to change dramatically as a function of age. These findings imply the potential to produce different ERalpha proteins in frontal cortex, possibly with altered structure and function which may have physiological relevance for gene transcription by virtue of altered functional interactions with each other, other steroid hormone receptors, and genomic DNA.
机译:尽管在灵长类动物的额叶皮层中已检测到雌激素受体α(ERalpha)mRNA,但尚未在猴或人额叶皮层中确定表达的ERalpha转录物的类型,包括外显子缺失的变异体(Delta)。因为在大脑中表达的ERalpha mRNA的类型可以定义对雌激素的神经元反应,所以我们检查了在正常成人以及发育中的人和猕猴额叶皮层中表达的ERalpha mRNA的转录本。我们从29名正常成人,12只恒河猴和19名婴儿(从婴儿到成人)的死后额叶皮层逆转录总RNA,并采用两轮嵌套式聚合酶链反应(PCR)生成跨越编码域的ERalpha产物。在第三次嵌套式PCR中,我们使用了对缺失完整外显子时创建的外显子-外显子连接的新序列具有特异性的引物。通过对PCR产物进行测序,我们在一个成年人中以不同的模式检测了成年人中60种12种不同的DeltaERalpha mRNA和94种13种不同的DeltaERalpha mRNA。在成年人类中,83%的个体表达至少1个DeltaERalpha mRNA变体,而100%的猴子表达至少1个DeltaERalpha mRNA变体。单个Delta2,Delta5和Delta7变体在人和猴额叶皮层中都频繁表达,Delta3变体在这两个物种中都很罕见,而Delta6变体在猴子中更频繁地表达。在这两个物种中,我们都检测到了两个,三个和四个三角洲,但它们不如单个三角洲常见。人类变体表达的模式似乎并没有随着年龄的变化而急剧变化。这些发现暗示可能在额叶皮层中产生不同的ERalpha蛋白,其结构和功能可能会由于相互之间的功能相互作用,其他类固醇激素受体和基因组DNA的变化而与基因转录具有生理相关性。



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