首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience: An International Journal under the Editorial Direction of IBRO >Dynamics of non-convulsive epileptic phenomena modeled by a bistable neuronal network.

Dynamics of non-convulsive epileptic phenomena modeled by a bistable neuronal network.


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It is currently believed that the mechanisms underlying spindle oscillations are related to those that generate spike and wave (SW) discharges. The mechanisms of transition between these two types of activity, however, are not well understood. In order to provide more insight into the dynamics of the neuronal networks leading to seizure generation in a rat experimental model of absence epilepsy we developed a computational model of thalamo-cortical circuits based on relevant (patho)physiological data. The model is constructed at the macroscopic level since this approach allows to investigate dynamical properties of the system and the role played by different mechanisms in the process of seizure generation, both at short and long time scales. The main results are the following: (i) SW discharges represent dynamical bifurcations that occur in a bistable neuronal network; (ii) the durations of paroxysmal and normal epochs have exponential distributions, indicating that transitions between these two stablestates occur randomly over time with constant probabilities; (iii) the probabilistic nature of the onset of paroxysmal activity implies that it is not possible to predict its occurrence; (iv) the bistable nature of the dynamical system allows that an ictal state may be aborted by a single counter-stimulus.
机译:目前认为,主轴振动的机理与那些产生尖峰和波动(SW)放电的机理有关。但是,这两种类型的活动之间的过渡机制还没有很好地理解。为了更深入地了解导致失神癫痫的大鼠实验模型中引起癫痫发作的神经元网络的动力学,我们基于相关的(病理)生理数据开发了丘脑-皮质回路的计算模型。该模型是在宏观层次上构建的,因为这种方法可以在短期和长期范围内研究系统的动态特性以及癫痫发作过程中不同机制所起的作用。主要结果如下:(i)SW放电代表在双稳态神经元网络中发生的动态分叉; (ii)阵发性时期和正常时期的持续时间具有指数分布,表明这两个稳定状态之间的过渡随时间随机发生且概率恒定; (iii)发作性活动发作的概率性质意味着不可能预测其发生; (iv)动力系统的双稳态性质允许单一的反刺激会中止一个短暂的状态。



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