首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychologia >Inferior frontal sensitivity to common speech sounds is amplified by increasing word intelligibility.

Inferior frontal sensitivity to common speech sounds is amplified by increasing word intelligibility.


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The left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) exhibits increased responsiveness when people listen to words composed of speech sounds that frequently co-occur in the English language (Vaden, Piquado, & Hickok, 2011), termed high phonotactic frequency (Vitevitch & Luce, 1998). The current experiment aimed to further characterize the relation of phonotactic frequency to LIFG activity by manipulating word intelligibility in participants of varying age. Thirty six native English speakers, 19-79 years old (mean=50.5, sd=21.0) indicated with a button press whether they recognized 120 binaurally presented consonant-vowel-consonant words during a sparse sampling fMRI experiment (TR=8 s). Word intelligibility was manipulated by low-pass filtering (cutoff frequencies of 400 Hz, 1000 Hz, 1600 Hz, and 3150 Hz). Group analyses revealed a significant positive correlation between phonotactic frequency and LIFG activity, which was unaffected by age and hearing thresholds. A region of interest analysis revealed that the relation between phonotactic frequency and LIFG activity was significantly strengthened for the most intelligible words (low-pass cutoff at 3150 Hz). These results suggest that the responsiveness of the left inferior frontal cortex to phonotactic frequency reflects the downstream impact of word recognition rather than support of word recognition, at least when there are no speech production demands.
机译:当人们听由英语中频繁出现的语音组成的单词时(Vaden,Piquado和&Hickok,2011),左下额回(LIFG)表现出增强的反应能力,这种语音被称为高音律性(Vitevitch&Luce,1998)。 )。当前的实验旨在通过操纵不同年龄参与者的单词清晰度来进一步表征音律频率与LIFG活动的关系。 36名19-79岁的英语母语者(平均= 50.5,sd = 21.0)通过按按钮指示他们是否在稀疏采样fMRI实验(TR = 8 s)中识别出120个双耳呈现的辅音-元音-辅音单词。单词清晰度通过低通滤波(截止频率为400 Hz,1000 Hz,1600 Hz和3150 Hz)进行控制。小组分析显示,音律频率与LIFG活性之间存在显着的正相关,而不受年龄和听力阈值的影响。感兴趣的区域分析显示,对于最易懂的单词(3150 Hz的低通截止频率),音律频率与LIFG活性之间的关系得到了显着增强。这些结果表明,至少在没有语音要求的情况下,左下额叶皮层对音律频率的响应反映了单词识别的下游影响而不是单词识别的支持。



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