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Native woody species regeneration in exotic tree plantations at Munessa-Shashemene Forest, southern Ethiopia


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Regeneration of native woody species was studied in the plantations and the adjacent natural forest at Munessa-Shashemene Forest Project Area, Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that tree plantations foster regeneration of native woody species. A total of 60 plots, having 10x10 m area each, were studied in monoculture plantations of 4 exotic species (Cupressus lusitanica, Eucalyptus globulus, E. saligna, Pinus patula) and an adjacent natural forest. Ages of the plantations ranged between 9 and 28 years. Soil seed bank analysis was also undertaken from soil samples collected in each of the 60 plots to examine the similarity between the soil seed flora and aboveground vegetation. A total of 56 naturally regenerated woody species were recorded beneath all plantation stands with densities ranging between 2300 and 18650 individuals/ha in different stands. There was a significant difference among plantation stands with regard to understorey density (standard deviation: 4836+/-1341). Vegetation diversity was assessed through analyses of floristic composition, species richness and abundance. Generally, seedling populations were the most abundant components of the regeneration in most of the plantation stands, forming 68% of the total regeneration count in all stands. A total of 77 plant species represented by 44 herbs, 13 woody species, 8 grasses and 12 unidentified species were recorded in the soil seed bank from all stands. Similarity between the soil seed bank and aboveground flora was very low implying that the role of soil seed banks is negligible rather dispersal plays an important role in the process of regeneration. These results support the concept that forest plantations can foster the regeneration of native woody species, thereby increasing biological diversity, provided that there are seed sources in the vicinity of the plantations.
机译:在埃塞俄比亚Munessa-Shashemene森林项目区的人工林和邻近的天然林中研究了天然木本植物的再生。该研究的目的是检验树木种植促进本地木本植物再生的假说。在4种外来物种(柏(Cupressus lusitanica),尤加利(Eucalyptus globulus),大肠埃希氏菌(E. saligna),pat松(Pinus patula))和邻近的天然林的单一种植园中研究了总共60个面积为10x10 m的土地。人工林的年龄介于9至28岁之间。还从60个样地中的每个样地收集的土壤样品中进行了土壤种子库分析,以检查土壤种子植物区系与地上植被之间的相似性。所有人工林下共有56种自然再生木本物种,不同林分的密度介于2300至18650个人/公顷之间。人工林之间的林下密度存在显着差异(标准偏差:4836 +/- 1341)。通过对植物区系组成,物种丰富度和丰富度的分析来评估植被的多样性。通常,在大多数人工林中,幼苗种群是再生的最丰富的组成部分,占所有林分总再生量的68%。所有林分的土壤种子库中共记录了77种植物,其中包括44种草药,13种木本植物,8种草和12种未识别物种。土壤种子库和地上植物区系之间的相似性非常低,这表明土壤种子库的作用可忽略不计,而分散在再生过程中起着重要作用。这些结果支持以下概念:只要人工林附近有种子来源,人工林就可以促进天然木本植物的再生,从而增加生物多样性。



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