首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience and behavioral physiology >Characteristics of Neurological and Cognitive Status in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Relation to the Location and Volumes of Demyelination Foci and the Severity of Brain Atrophy

Characteristics of Neurological and Cognitive Status in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in Relation to the Location and Volumes of Demyelination Foci and the Severity of Brain Atrophy


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A total of 65 patients with clinically significant diagnoses of remitting multiple sclerosis in the stage of remission were studied. Neurological status was investigated with assessment on the FS and EDSS scales, with neuropsychological testing, and MRI scans (1.5 T). The severity of brain atrophy (in terms of the parenchyma volume) and the total volume of foci on T2 images were assessed as proportions of intracerebral volume. The severity of neurological deficit depended on the volume of intratentorial focal lesions and the level of brain atrophy. Cognitive disorders were identified in 89% of patients, and the severity of these was associated with the level of atrophy and the volume of foci on T2 images in the dominant hemisphere



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