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Overlap of food addiction and substance use disorders definitions: Analysis of animal and human studies


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Food has both homeostatic and hedonic components, which makes it a potent natural reward. Food related reward could therefore promote an escalation of intake and trigger symptoms associated to withdrawal, suggesting a behavioral parallel with substance abuse. Animal and human theoretical models of food reward and addiction have emerged, raising further interrogations on the validity of a bond between Substance Use Disorders, as clinically categorized in the DSM 5, and food reward. These models propose that highly palatable food items, rich in sugar and/or fat, are overly stimulating to the brain's reward pathways. Moreover, studies have also investigated the possibility of causal link between food reward and the contemporary obesity epidemic, with obesity being potentiated and maintained due to this overwhelming food reward. Although natural rewards are a hot topic in the definition and categorization of Substance Use Disorders, proofs of concept and definite evidence are still inconclusive. This review focuses on available results from experimental studies in animal and human models exploring the concept of food addiction, in an effort to determine if it depicts a specific phenotype and if there is truly a neurobiological similarity between food addiction and Substance Use Disorders. It describes results from sugar, fat and sweet-fat bingeing in rodent models, and behavioral and neurobiological assessments in different human populations. Although pieces of behavioral and neurobiological evidence supporting a food addiction phenotype in animals and humans are interesting, it seems premature to conclude on its validity.
机译:食物具有体内平衡和享乐成分,这使其成为一种有力的自然回报。因此,与食物有关的报酬可能会促进摄入量的增加,并引发与戒断有关的症状,这表明行为与药物滥用平行。出现了关于食物奖励和成瘾的动物和人类理论模型,这进一步质疑了DSM 5中临床分类的物质使用障碍与食物奖励之间的联系的有效性。这些模型表明,富含糖和/或脂肪的高口味食品过度刺激了大脑的奖励途径。此外,研究还调查了食物奖励与当代肥胖病流行之间因果关系的可能性,由于这种压倒性的食物奖励,肥胖症得以加强和维持。尽管自然奖赏是物质使用障碍的定义和分类中的热门话题,但概念证据和确凿证据仍然没有定论。这篇综述集中在探索食物成瘾概念的动物和人类模型实验研究的可用结果,以试图确定它是否描绘了特定的表型,以及食物成瘾和物质使用障碍之间是否确实存在神经生物学相似性。它描述了啮齿动物模型中糖,脂肪和甜脂肪暴食的结果,以及不同人群的行为和神经生物学评估。尽管在动物和人类中支持食物成瘾表型的行为和神经生物学方面的证据很有趣,但结论的有效性似乎为时过早。



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