首页> 外文期刊>Biology and fertility of soils: Cooperating Journal of the International Society of Soil Science >Soil organic carbon pools and productivity in relation to nutrient management in a 20-year-old rice-berseem agroecosystem.

Soil organic carbon pools and productivity in relation to nutrient management in a 20-year-old rice-berseem agroecosystem.


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Labile fractions of soil organic C (SOC) can respond rapidly to changes in C supply and are considered to be important indicators of soil quality. An attempt is made in this paper to investigate into the dynamics of total organic C (Ctot), oxidisable organic C (Coc), very labile C (Cfrac 1), labile C (Cfrac 2), less labile C (Cfrac 3), non-labile C (Cfrac 4), microbial biomass C (Cmic), mineralizable C (Cmin) and particulate organic C (Cp) in relation to the system productivity of a 20-year-old rice (Oryza sativa L)-berseem (Trifolium alexandrium L) cropping system with different management strategies [no fertilization, only NPK and NPK+FYM (farmyard manure) applied in different seasons] in the hot humid, subtropics of India. Cultivation over the years caused a net decrease, while balanced fertilization with NPK maintained the SOC. About 62% of the C applied as FYM was stabilized into SOC. The passive pool (Cfrac 3+Cfrac 4) constituted about 55% of the Ctot. A larger proportion (63%) of applied C was stabilized in the passive pool of SOC. Of the analysed pools, Cfrac 1, Cmic, Cp and Cmin were influenced most by the treatments imposed and explained higher per cent variability in the yield of the crops.
机译:土壤有机碳(SOC)的不稳定部分可以快速响应碳供应的变化,被认为是土壤质量的重要指标。本文尝试研究总有机碳(Ctot),可氧化有机碳(Coc),非常不稳定的C(Cfrac 1),不稳定的C(Cfrac 2),较不稳定的C(Cfrac 3)的动力学,相对不稳定的C(Cfrac 4),微生物量C(Cmic),可矿化C(Cmin)和颗粒有机C(Cp)与20岁大米(Oryza sativa L)-berseem(Oryza sativa L)-berseem(系统)的系统生产率的关系(在亚热带炎热潮湿的印度,采用不同管理策略的三叶草种植系统[不施肥,仅在不同季节施用NPK和NPK + FYM(农家肥)]。多年来的耕作导致净减少,而氮磷钾的平衡施肥保持了SOC。 FYM中应用的碳中约有62%稳定在SOC中。被动池(Cfrac 3 + Cfrac 4)约占Ctot的55%。在SOC的被动池中,较大比例(63%)的应用C处于稳定状态。在所分析的库中,Cfrac 1,Cmic,Cp和Cmin受所施加的处理影响最大,并解释了农作物产量的较高变异性。



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