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Non-pharmacological approaches to chronic headaches: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, lasertherapy and acupuncture in transformed migraine treatment.


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In an open, randomized trial, we evaluated transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), infrared lasertherapy and acupuncture in the treatment of transformed migraine, over a 4-month period free of prophylactic drugs. Sixty women suffering from transformed migraine were assigned, after a one month run-in period, to three different treatments: TENS (Group T; n=20), infrared lasertherapy (Group L; n=20) or acupuncture (Group A; n=20). In each group the patients underwent ten sessions of treatment and monthly control visits. In Group T patients were treated for two weeks (5 days/week) simultaneously with three TENS units with different stimulation parameters (I: pulse rate = 80 Hz, pulse width = 120 micros; II: 120 Hz, 90 micros; III: 4 Hz, 200 micros). In Group L an infrared diode laser (27 mW, 904 nm) was applied every other day on tender scalp spots. In Group A acupuncture was carried out twice a week in the first two weeks and weekly in the next 6 weeks. A basic formula (LR3, SP6, LI4, GB20, GV20 and Ex-HN5) was always employed; additional points were selected according to each patient's symptomatology. The number of days with headache per month significantly decreased during treatment in all groups. The response in the groups differed over time, probably due to the different timing of applications of the three methods. TENS, lasertherapy and acupuncture proved to be effective in reducing the frequency of headache attacks. Acupuncture showed the best effectiveness over time.
机译:在一项开放的随机试验中,我们评估了经过4个月的无预防性药物治疗的经皮偏头痛的经皮电神经刺激(TENS),红外激光治疗和针灸治疗。在一个月的磨合期后,将60名患有偏头痛转变的妇女分配给三种不同的治疗方法:TENS(T组; n = 20),红外激光疗法(L组; n = 20)或针灸(A组; n = 20)。在每个组中,患者接受十次治疗和每月一次对照访视。在T组中,用三个具有不同刺激参数的TENS单元同时治疗2周(5天/周)(I:脉搏频率= 80 Hz,脉宽= 120微米; II:120 Hz,90微米; III:4 Hz,200微米)。在L组中,每隔一天将红外线二极管激光器(27 mW,904 nm)施加在头皮上。在A组中,头两周每周进行两次针灸,随后六周每周进行一次针灸。始终使用基本公式(LR3,SP6,LI4,GB20,GV20和Ex-HN5);根据每个患者的症状选择其他点。在所有治疗期间,每月头痛的天数显着减少。组中的响应随时间变化,可能是由于这三种方法的应用时间不同。经证明,TENS,激光疗法和针灸可以有效减少头痛发作的频率。针灸随着时间的流逝显示出最佳疗效。



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