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Drop finger as an adjacent segment disease after cervical expansive laminoplasty


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Sir, We would like to report two cases showing drop finger as an adjacent segment disease after cervical expansive laminoplasty. Case 1: The first case is about a 71-year-old male with complained of acute right finger drop 3 years after C3-C7 laminoplasty. He could not extend his metacarpophalangeal joint of right finger. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography myelogram revealed a right CT-Thl foraminal stenosis caused by osteoarthritis of facet joint [Figure 1]. Aplainradiogramshowedlimitation of motion in C3-C7 (35.6° pre-operatively and 22.2° post-operatively). Electromyogram showed neurogenic discharge in extensor digitorum communis muscle and hand intrinsic muscles. The patient refused for the surgical option. The symptoms remain unchanged.Case 2: A 64-year-old woman complained of finger drop of her right hand 2 years after C3-C7 laminoplasty. MRI revealed aright C7-Th1 foraminal stenosis. Plain radiograms showed limitation of motion in C3-C7. The patient refused surgical option. The symptoms remain unchanged.
机译:主席先生,我们要报告两例在颈椎扩张椎板成形术后出现空指为相邻节段疾病的病例。病例1:第一个病例是一位71岁的男性,在进行C3-C7椎板成形手术3年后,抱怨右手指急性下垂。他无法伸出右手指的掌指关节。磁共振成像(MRI)和计算机X线断层造影术的X线照片显示由小关节骨关节炎引起的右CT-Thl椎间孔狭窄[图1]。胶质X线片显示C3-C7运动受限(术前35.6°,术后22.2°)。肌电图显示指趾伸肌和手内在肌神经源性放电。病人拒绝手术选择。症状保持不变。案例2:一名64岁的女性抱怨在进行C3-C7椎体成形手术2年后右手的手指掉落。 MRI显示正确的C7-Th1椎间孔狭窄。普通放射线照片显示C3-C7中的运动受限。病人拒绝手术选择。症状保持不变。



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