首页> 外文期刊>Neurotoxicology and teratology >Adolescent exposure to nicotine alters the aversive effects of cocaine in adult rats.

Adolescent exposure to nicotine alters the aversive effects of cocaine in adult rats.


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Nicotine is one of the most commonly used drugs in adolescence and has been shown to alter the rewarding effects of cocaine when administered in adulthood. Although the abuse potential of a drug has been suggested to be a balance between its rewarding and aversive effects, the long-term effects of nicotine on the aversive properties of other drugs had not been studied. To that end, in the present study rats exposed to nicotine (0.4 mg/kg) during adolescence (postnatal days 35-44) were tested for the acquisition and extinction of a cocaine-induced conditioned taste aversion (10, 18 or 32 mg/kg) in adulthood. Conditioning consisted of four saccharin-drug pairings followed by six extinction trials. Although cocaine-induced aversions at all doses, no effect of nicotine preexposure was seen during acquisition. During extinction, the nicotine-preexposed groups conditioned with 10 and 18 mg/kg cocaine displayed a decreased rate of extinction compared to their respective controls. These results suggest that while adolescent nicotine exposure does not appear to directly alter the aversive properties of cocaine it may affect other processes related to the response to drugs given in adulthood.
机译:尼古丁是青春期最常用的药物之一,并已显示成年服用可卡因会改变可卡因的奖励作用。尽管有人提出滥用药物的潜力是在其奖励和厌恶效果之间取得平衡,但尚未研究尼古丁对其他药物厌恶特性的长期影响。为此,在本研究中,对青春期(出生后第35-44天)暴露于尼古丁(0.4 mg / kg)的大鼠进行了可卡因诱导的条件性厌恶(10、18或32 mg /公斤)成年。条件包括四个糖精-药物配对,然后进行六个灭绝试验。尽管可卡因在所有剂量下均可引起厌恶,但在采集过程中未见烟碱预暴露的影响。在灭绝过程中,与他们各自的对照组相比,以10和18 mg / kg可卡因为条件的烟碱预暴露组的灭绝速率降低。这些结果表明,尽管青春期尼古丁暴露似乎并未直接改变可卡因的厌恶特性,但它可能会影响与成年期对药物反应相关的其他过程。



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