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Thai auto-makers expected to export one million units in 2011


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Vehicle production in Thailand leapt to a record 1.65 million units in 2010, an increase of 64% over 2009. Thailand is now the 13th largest auto-maker in the world and has a current production capacity of nearly 2 million. During 2011 production is expected to increase by around 9-10% over the 2010 level to 1.8 million vehicles, with at least 1 million of these to be exported. Exports in 2010 were a record 895,855 units, some 54% of total output, with just over 30% exported to countries in Asia. Toyota Motors Thailand, Mitsubishi, Honda, Ford and Mazda have all announced increases in investment and production capacity for these plants in Thailand. Sales of fuel efficient eco-cars such as the Nissan March, Honda Brio, Mazda 2 and Ford Fiesta have all showed rapid growth. Honda has built a new plant to build 240,000 Brios per year. Ford is building a new plant to produce the Focus in 2012. Toyota is to increase pick-up production at its Chachoengsao plant from 140,000 to 220,000 by August 2011.
机译:泰国的汽车产量在2010年跃升至创纪录的165万辆,比2009年增长了64%。泰国现在是全球第13大汽车制造商,目前的生产能力接近200万辆。预计2011年的产量将比2010年增加约9-10%,达到180万辆汽车,其中至少100万辆将出口。 2010年出口创纪录的895,855辆,占总产量的54%,其中近30%出口到亚洲国家。泰国丰田汽车,三菱,本田,福特和马自达都宣布增加在泰国的这些工厂的投资和产能。日产March,本田Brio,马自达2和福特嘉年华等节油型生态汽车的销量均呈快速增长态势。本田新建了一座工厂,每年可生产240,000布里奥斯。福特正在建造一家新工厂,以在2012年生产福克斯。丰田汽车计划将其Chachoengsao工厂的皮卡产量从14万辆增加到2011年8月的22万辆。



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