首页> 外文期刊>National Wildlife >NOT THE SAME OLD SCHOOLYARD: Studies show that NWF's schoolyard gardening program provides students not only with new conservation skills but also with improved test scores

NOT THE SAME OLD SCHOOLYARD: Studies show that NWF's schoolyard gardening program provides students not only with new conservation skills but also with improved test scores


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The grounds of Goddard High School, near Wichita, Kansas, feature 3.2 acres of restored native prairie, 1.7 acres of wetland, an outdoor classroom and a 20-station nature trail that highlights plants, animals and local conservation issues. Used also by students from elementary and middle schools, the site is designed for environmental education but provides opportunities for instruction beyond science. For example, art students developed ceramic sculptures of native grassland species for display on the nature trail, and a math class learned about triangulation while installing a bat box.
机译:堪萨斯州威奇托市附近的戈达德高中(Goddard High School)的土地上,有3.2英亩的经过恢复的原始大草原,1.7英亩的湿地,一个户外教室和一条20站的自然小径,突出了植物,动物和地方保护问题。该站点还供中小学学生使用,该站点专为环境教育而设计,但提供了科学以外的教学机会。例如,艺术专业的学生开发了天然草原物种的陶瓷雕塑,以便在自然小径上展示,而数学课则在安装蝙蝠箱的同时学习了三角测量。



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