首页> 外文期刊>Nature clinical practice. Rheumatology >Hypermobility: an important but often neglected area within rheumatology

Hypermobility: an important but often neglected area within rheumatology


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I was diagnosed as a severe case of hypermobility in almost all of my joints when I was a kid. Doctors told me that when I get older my joints will tighten up. I am now almost 20 years old and with each passing year my joints get harder and harder to keep in place. I have very bad back problems from the dislocations as well and I cannot walk for more than a half a mile without pain in my knees, hips and ankles. I have seen many doctors in the United States but no-one seems to understand what I am going through or has even been able to offer me any help. I hoped that maybe you might be willing to help. I love sports and am very active; however, with this syndrome I have had to put my life on hold...



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