首页> 外文期刊>Cancer science. >Molecular mechanisms of transforming growth factor-beta signaling and disease: The 59th Fujihara International Seminar, 2010.

Molecular mechanisms of transforming growth factor-beta signaling and disease: The 59th Fujihara International Seminar, 2010.


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The Fujihara International Seminar series is supported by the Fujihara Foundation for Science, for the purpose of organizing seminars for basic and applied science, including medical science, physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, geology, and biology. The 59th Fujihara International Seminar was held on July 14-17, 2010 at Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan, focusing on molecular mechanisms of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta signaling and disease. Recent findings on mechanisms of TGF-beta signaling, the roles of TGF-beta signaling in carcinogenesis and progression of tumors, and possible strategies of TGF-beta-based treatment of cancer were discussed at the seminar. In particular, novel mechanisms of regulation of Smad signaling, the differential roles of Smad proteins in carcinogenesis, function of Smads in regulation of microRNA biogenesis, and treatment of cancer stem cells by targeting the TGF-beta signaling pathways were discussed.



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