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Jack Smith, the recently retired chairman of General Motors, reflects on driving his company toward an intersection with conservation. The view from atop a lofty corporate skyscraper, peering down, could not be more different from the humbling perspective found beneath a wild rain forest canopy, gazing up. But John F. Smith Jr., having savored the sight of creation from both vantages, is trying to connect one with the other. He believes he can show that while working to do what's good for the largest automaker on Earth, as it endeavors to turn a profit, he can also help save biological diversity. Some may see that as a paradox, but for Smith, 65, the former president CEO and recently retired board chairman of General Motors Corp., there is room for common ground. "A lot of people think corporations are bad, and that we're not doing anything [to protect the environment]," says Smith, known as "Jack." But "I can look anybody in the eye and, without blinking, say that we are seriously trying to makeit happen." What began years ago as a passing interest in environmental protection has deepened for the no-nonsense executive, who is credited with helping to instill a conservation ethic in the ranks of GM. In fact since 1994, under his command and that of his successor, intrepid GM president and CEO G. Richard ("Rick") Wagoner Jr., the megacompany has poured nearly 23 million dollar into grass-roots Nature Conservancy projects in 20 countries.
机译:通用汽车公司最近退休的董事长杰克·史密斯(Jack Smith)考虑将自己的公司推向环保的交叉口。从高耸入云的公司摩天大楼顶上眺望的景色,与在狂野的雨林树冠下凝视着凝视的卑鄙视角无异。但是小约翰·史密斯(John F. Smith)既从两种优势中饱览了创造的视线,又试图将彼此联系起来。他相信,他可以证明,在努力做对地球上最大的汽车制造商有利的事情的同时,由于它努力扭亏为盈,他还可以帮助保存生物多样性。有人可能会认为这是一个悖论,但对于现年65岁的史密斯(Smith)来说,仍有共识的余地。史密斯现年65岁,曾任通用汽车公司的前总裁兼首席执行官。史密斯(Jack)说:“许多人认为公司不好,我们[保护环境]没有采取任何行动。但是,“我可以看着任何人,并且不眨眼,就说我们正在认真地努力实现这一目标。”几年前,人们开始对环境保护产生了浓厚的兴趣,这对于毫不废话的高管来说已经加深了,他被认为帮助在通用汽车公司中树立了保护道德。实际上,自1994年以来,在他及其继任者通用汽车公司总裁兼首席执行官无畏的瓦格纳·华格纳(G. Richard)的领导下,这家大型公司已经向20个国家的基层自然保护项目投入了将近2300万美元。



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