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IBD: Evaluation of varicella immune status may be warranted in children with IBD.


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Screening for varicella immune status and appropriate vaccination may be required in children with newly diagnosed IBD, according to a new US study. The course of the usually benign and common childhood disease varicella can be seriously affected by immunosuppression. Children with IBD often require immunosuppressive drugs to treat their disease. Following the introduction of a vaccine against varicella zoster virus (VZV), Susan Baker and her colleagues from the Women and Children's Hospital, Buffalo, NY, decided to investigate the immune status of 163 pediatric patients with newly diagnosed IBD. "We know that immunizations have a failure rate and that the risk of varicella in our immune compromised patients could be devastating", explains Baker.
机译:根据一项新的美国研究,对于新诊断为IBD的儿童,可能需要筛查水痘的免疫状况并进行适当的疫苗接种。通常良性和常见的儿童期水痘的病程会受到免疫抑制的严重影响。 IBD儿童通常需要免疫抑制药来治疗他们的疾病。在引入针对水痘带状疱疹病毒(VZV)的疫苗之后,纽约州布法罗市妇女儿童医院的Susan Baker及其同事决定调查163例新诊断为IBD的小儿患者的免疫状况。贝克说:“我们知道免疫的失败率很高,而且免疫受损患者的水痘风险可能是毁灭性的。”



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