首页> 外文期刊>Nature reviews. Endocrinology >TSH-receptor-expressing fibrocytes and thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy

TSH-receptor-expressing fibrocytes and thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy


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Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) is a vexing and undertreated ocular component of Graves disease in which orbital tissues undergo extensive remodelling. My colleagues and I have introduced the concept that fibrocytes expressing the haematopoietic cell antigen CD34 (CD34(+) fibrocytes), which are precursor cells of bone-marrow-derived monocyte lineage, express the TSH receptor (TSHR). These cells also produce several other proteins whose expression was traditionally thought to be restricted to the thyroid gland. TSHR-expressing fibrocytes in which the receptor is activated by its ligand generate extremely high levels of several inflammatory cytokines. Acting in concert with TSHR, the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) expressed by orbital fibroblasts and fibrocytes seems to be necessary for TSHR-dependent cytokine production, as anti-IGF-1R blocking antibodies attenuate these proinflammatory actions of TSH. Furthermore, circulating fibrocytes are highly abundant in patients with TAO and seem to infiltrate orbital connective tissues, where they might transition to CD34(+) fibroblasts. My research group has postulated that the infiltration of fibrocytes into the orbit, their unique biosynthetic repertoire and their proinflammatory and profibrotic phenotype account for the characteristic properties exhibited by orbital connective tissues that underlie susceptibility to TAO. These insights, which have emerged in the past few years, might be of use in therapeutically targeting pathogenic orbit-infiltrating fibrocytes selectively by utilizing novel biologic agents that interfere with TSHR and IGF-1R signalling.



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