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Estrogen therapy: is time of initiation critical for neuroprotection?


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According to the 'critical period' hypothesis, which attempts to explain the observed discrepancies in the studies on estrogen and cognition, estrogen therapy effectively decreases cognitive decline in aging women when it is initiated around the time of menopause but not when it is started decades later. Here, I review studies in which the timing of the initiation of estrogen therapy was provided, to determine whether their findings support the 'critical period' hypothesis. The vast majority of the reviewed studies support the idea that early but not late initiation of estrogen therapy might prevent or delay cognitive decline in aging women. Nevertheless, numerous design issues, such as the specific drugs and doses that were used, the possible effects of progestins on cognition, and the failure to administer neuropsychological tests of specific cognitive domains that are sensitive to estrogen therapy confound the extant literature. In view of the reanalyzes of the Women's Health Initiative's data that show a beneficial effect of estrogen therapy on cardiac and breast diseases in women aged 50-59 years, more definitive evidence is needed to confirm that the early initiation of estrogen therapy that is continued for a few years provides enduring protection against cognitive aging 15-20 years later.
机译:根据“关键时期”假说,该假说试图解释在雌激素和认知研究中观察到的差异,雌激素疗法在绝经期左右开始但在数十年后才开始有效地减少衰老妇女的认知能力下降。 。在这里,我回顾了提供雌激素治疗起始时间的研究,以确定它们的发现是否支持“关键时期”假说。绝大多数经审查的研究都支持这样的观点,即早而晚进行雌激素治疗可预防或延缓衰老妇女的认知能力下降。然而,许多设计问题,例如所使用的特定药物和剂量,孕激素对认知的可能影响以及对雌激素治疗敏感的特定认知域无法进行神经心理学测试,使现有文献感到困惑。鉴于对妇女健康计划的数据进行了重新分析,结果显示了雌激素治疗对50-59岁女性心脏和乳腺疾病的有益作用,因此,需要更多的确凿证据来确认雌激素治疗的早期开始是持续的。几年提供持久的保护,防止15-20年后出现认知衰老。



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