首页> 外文期刊>Nanotechnology >Calibration of standards for precision pitch measurement in the nanometer region by combined scanning tunneling microscopy and x-ray interferometry

Calibration of standards for precision pitch measurement in the nanometer region by combined scanning tunneling microscopy and x-ray interferometry


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The aim of the paper is to demonstrate thesuccessful operation of a combination of a scanning tunnelingmicroscope (STM), as a rominent representative of scanningprobe microscopes (SPMs), with an x-ray interferometer (XRI),X-ray interferometry provides a means of calibrating nanometricdisplacement transducers and related instruments using siliconlattice parameters as secondary length standards. On the otherhand, SPMs could be used to calibrate standards e.g. diffractiongratings for dimensional metrology. The extent of themeasuring ranges covered by these instruments is wide, rangingfrom the diameters of atoms to dimentsions of 100 μm.Somespecial instruments, so-called metrology SPMs. Arecalibrated against a laser interferometer and are affected by thelaser interferometer's nonlinearity which is in the range of 1-2nm. This uncertainty is a limit to the SPM and to the samplescalibrated. Further improvement is necessary. If use is made ofthe high resolution of an x-ray interferometer when measuringthe displacement of a sample under an SPM. a higher accuracyshould be achievable and it should be possible to calibratetransfer standards with subnanometre accuracy. Here we report,for the first time, results of pitch measurements obtained for astructure on a sample, not of ideal shape but available for thisexperiment. The translation of the sample and the measurementof its profile were performed by a specially developed scanningXRI which uses the almost homogeneous silicon lattice spacing(Δd/d <10-7) as a (secondary) length standard for subnanometremeasurements (the so-called 'Angstrom ruler').
机译:本文的目的是演示将扫描隧道显微镜(STM)作为扫描探针显微镜(SPM)的主要代表与X射线干涉仪(XRI)结合使用的成功方法,X射线干涉仪提供了一种使用硅晶格参数作为二级长度标准,校准纳米位移传感器和相关仪器。另一方面,SPM可用于校准标准,例如用于尺寸计量的衍射光栅。这些仪器涵盖的测量范围范围很广,从原子的直径到100μm的尺寸。某些特殊的仪器,即所谓的计量SPM。相对于激光干涉仪进行了校准,并且受激光干涉仪的1-2nm范围内的非线性影响。这种不确定性是对SPM和校准样品的限制。有必要进一步改进。在SPM下测量样品位移时,如果使用X射线干涉仪的高分辨率。应该可以达到更高的精度,并且有可能以亚纳米级的精度校准传输标准。在这里,我们首次报告样品结构的螺距测量结果,该结构不是理想形状,但可用于该实验。样品的平移和轮廓的测量是通过专门开发的scanning XRI进行的,该扫描XRI使用几乎均匀的硅晶格间距(Δd/ d <10-7)作为亚纳米测量的(次级)长度标准(所谓的“埃统治者')。



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