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Electric field breakdown at micrometre separations


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As manufacturing technology has improved overthe past few year, it is inevitable that the size of components to bemanufactured has been affected, and the desire to reduce the sizeof such components is the driving force behind the move towardsmicro-and nanotechnology. One of the problems is the electrodebreakdown at electrode separations for less than a millimeterseparation. At large separation, the behaviour of the electrodeshas been widely studied and is reasonably well understood.However, some fundamental problems have not been properlyaddressed such as maximum safe operating voltages and criticaldimensions required at the small separations between thedifferent types of materials. A systematic study of electricalbreakdown at sub-millimetre separations using materialscommonly used in the fabrication of microdevices is beingundertaken. Specimens for examination at electrode separationfrom 500 nm to 25 μm have been made with different electrodeconfigurations, such as flat to flat and flat to point.
机译:随着制造技术在过去几年中的进步,不可避免地会影响要制造的组件的尺寸,而减小这些组件的尺寸的愿望是朝着微米和纳米技术发展的原动力。问题之一是电极间距小于一毫米的电极击穿。在大间距下,电极的行为已得到广泛研究并得到了很好的理解。然而,一些基本问题尚未得到适当解决,例如最大安全工作电压和不同类型材料之间小间距下所需的临界尺寸。目前正在对使用微器件制造中常用的材料进行亚毫米分离时的电击穿进行系统研究。在电极间距从500 nm到25μm的情况下,已经用不同的电极配置(例如,从平面到平面和从平面到点)制作了用于检查的标本。



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