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Narrow linewidth templates for nanoimprint lithography utilizing conformal deposition


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Nanoimprint lithography has the potential to cost efficiently realize patterns with extremely narrow linewidth over a large area. A significant challenge to achieving this target is the fabrication of nanoimprint templates. The cost and writing time of conventional electron beam lithography for direct writing of the templates rapidly increases as the patterned area increases and the linewidth decreases. We have developed a novel process for creating narrow linewidth nanopatterns. This process is based on conformal deposition of thin films on seed nanopatterns. We have demonstrated the process by fabricating nanosized loops and lines. The linewidth of the structures can be tuned precisely, and in our experiments it could be reduced to 20 nm. The closed loop structures are interesting, since this geometry is crucially important in many leading edge research fields such as negative refractive index materials, ultrahigh density memory applications and quantum rings. The fabricated template was subsequently used as a template in soft-stamp UV nanoimprint lithography to successfully replicate the structures in UV-curable resist.
机译:纳米压印光刻技术有潜力以高成本效益地实现在大面积上具有极窄线宽的图案。实现该目标的重大挑战是纳米压印模板的制造。随着图案面积的增加和线宽的减小,用于直接写入模板的常规电子束光刻的成本和写入时间迅速增加。我们已经开发出一种用于创建窄线宽纳米图案的新颖方法。此过程基于种子纳米图案上薄膜的保形沉积。我们已经通过制造纳米尺寸的环和线展示了该过程。可以精确调整结构的线宽,在我们的实验中可以将其减小到20 nm。闭环结构很有趣,因为这种几何形状在许多前沿研究领域中至关重要,例如负折射率材料,超高密度存储应用和量子环。随后将制作的模板用作软戳UV纳米压印光刻中的模板,以成功地在UV固化抗蚀剂中复制结构。



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