首页> 外文期刊>Nanotechnology >Self-assembly of tunable and highly uniform tungsten nanogratings induced by a femtosecond laser with nanojoule energy

Self-assembly of tunable and highly uniform tungsten nanogratings induced by a femtosecond laser with nanojoule energy


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Tunable and highly uniform tungsten nanogratings on sapphires are demonstrated by scanning a 400 nm femtosecond-pulsed laser with pulse energy less than half of a nanojoule during laser-induced chemical vapor deposition. These gratings possess very good uniformity in both the grating period (standard deviation less than 1.5 percent) and the tooth length (less than 4 percent), and can be tuned by controlling the laser power and scanning speed. We show that nanogratings can be easily fabricated on non-planar substrates such as glass optical fibers, and can be turned into larger-area one-dimensional gratings by an appropriate offset during multiple scans. A model based on local field enhancement and interference between the incident light and plasmon radiation is proposed to explain the anisotropic shape and the periodic appearance of the observed tungsten nanogratings.
机译:通过在激光诱导的化学气相沉积过程中以小于纳米焦耳一半的脉冲能量扫描400 nm飞秒脉冲激光,证明了蓝宝石上可调谐且高度均匀的钨纳米光栅。这些光栅在光栅周期(标准偏差小于1.5%)和齿长(小于4%)方面都具有非常好的均匀性,并且可以通过控制激光功率和扫描速度进行调整。我们表明,纳米光栅可以很容易地在诸如玻璃光纤之类的非平面衬底上制造,并且可以在多次扫描过程中通过适当的偏移而变成较大面积的一维光栅。提出了一种基于局部场增强和入射光与等离子体激元辐射之间干涉的模型来解释观察到的钨纳米光栅的各向异性形状和周期性出现。



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