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Marshland vegetation of Plitvice Lakes. National Park (Croatia)


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The Plitvice Lakes National Park is located in a mountainous region of Croatia, and is of world renown for its karstic lakes separated by tufa barriers, and its waterfalls. In many places around the lakes, and along the streams, marshland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea Klika 1941 has developed. This vegetation has been studied in accordance with the Braun-Blanquet methodology. As a result, 13 communities were distinguished, three being found for the first time in Croatia: Caricetum rostratae Rubel 1912, Eleocharitetum uniglumis E. G. Almq. 1929 and Equisetetum fluviatilis Steffen 1931. Through numerical classification it was found that traditionally accepted communities match very well with the clusters obtained. Some ecological characteristics of the communities were estimated by calculating Ellenberg indicator values. Through analysis of plant life forms, specific features of marshland communities were also derived, especially at the level of vegetation alliances. The most common association of the study area is Phragmitetum australis Schmale 1939, which spreads in habitats of Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass., a rare and threatened species throughout Europe. From the aspect of nature conservation; marshland vegetation in the Plitvice Lakes shows both positive and negative features. There is a positive effect in the enrichment of biodiversity, while most communities have developed as a consequence of the eutrophication of oligotrophic karstic lakes, which must be considered negative.
机译:十六湖国家公园(Plitvice Lakes National Park)位于克罗地亚的山区,因其被石灰岩屏障隔开的喀斯特湖和瀑布而闻名世界。在湖泊周围和河流沿岸的许多地方,Phragmito-Magnocaricetea Klika 1941级的沼泽地植被得到了发展。已经根据Braun-Blanquet方法对这种植被进行了研究。结果,区分了13个社区,其中三个是在克罗地亚首次发现的:Caricetum rostratae Rubel 1912,Eleocharitetum uniglumis E. G. Almq。 1929年和Equisetetum fluviatilis Steffen 1931年。通过数字分类,发现传统上接受的社区与获得的集群非常匹配。通过计算埃伦贝格指标值来估算社区的某些生态特征。通过对植物生命形式的分析,还得出了沼泽地群落的特定特征,特别是在植被联盟方面。该研究区最常见的关联是Phragmitetum australis Schmale 1939,它分布在西伯利亚利古里亚猪(Ligularia sibirica(L.)Cass。)的栖息地,该物种在整个欧洲都是稀有和受威胁的物种。从自然保护方面看;十六湖的沼泽地植被既有正面特征也有负面特征。对生物多样性的丰富有积极作用,而大多数社区由于贫养喀斯特湖的富营养化而发展起来,必须将其视为消极的。



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