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Mowing unit, preferably for the tracklaying vehicle that works in national parks in the swamps



the koszu0105cy, especially for vehicle gu0105sienicowego working on wetland in national parks, is suchon the superstructure frame (2) of mowing the (1) is suwliwie attached framethe screw mechanism serves to its lateral displacement relative to the asymmetric suspension unit (1) for mowing the caterpillar vehicleand thereby ensure the mowing grass or reeds across its entire width.behind mowers are attached and struts framework disk kondycjonuju0105co - rozdrabniaju0105cego shaft (6), which in wideu0142kowych spikes are secured bijaki or kniveshowever, directly behind the shaft (6) is palcowy conveyor (10), and the beams (2) superstructure framework are attached short beams, used to attach pulleys fingerless conveyor (10).at the end, one of them is mounted belt tensioner and belt conveyor (10) fingerless his gear.between the beams superstructure framework (2) is additional tensioner beltwho is supporting belts and advantageously stabilizing their movement when moving over the beams (2) of mowing the superstructure framework (1).under palcowym przenou015bnikiem (10) is mounted ksztau0142towu0105 badge, which is a lower part slide.and its vertical wall is oporowu0105 wall for crushed biomass przesuwanej spru0119u017cystymi fingers conveyor (10) on the outside of the aggregate (1).the number of blades in relation to the number of drop weights mounted in a chuck wideu0142kowych kondycjonuju0105co rozdrabniaju0105cego shaft (6) may vary in the range from 30 to 70%, depending on the amount of koszonych trzcin and grasses and the working speed of mowing the components.
机译:kosz u0105cy,尤其适用于在国家公园湿地上工作的车辆g,在上层结构框架(2)上进行割草(1)是Suwliwie固定的框架,螺旋机构相对于非对称悬挂单元起到横向位移的作用( 1)修剪毛毛虫的车辆,从而确保在其整个宽度上修剪草或芦苇。在割草机后方安装,并支撑支柱圆盘kondycjonuj u0105co-rozdrabniaj u0105cego竖井(6),该竖井在宽阔的长钉中固定有bijaki或kniveshowever在轴(6)的正后方是松木输送机(10),梁(2)的上部结构框架上连接着短梁,用于连接皮带轮无指输送机(10)。最后,其中之一是皮带张紧器,皮带输送机(10)的齿轮无力。在梁上部结构框架(2)之间是附加的张紧器皮带,该张紧器皮带支撑皮带,并有利地稳定它们在梁上移动时的运动s(2)修剪上部结构框架(1)。在palcowym przeno u015bnikiem(10)下安装kszta u0142tow u0105徽章,该徽章为下部滑动件,其垂直壁为powow u0105壁,用于破碎的生物质przesuwanej骨料(1)外侧的spr u0119 u017cystymi手指传送带(10)。相对于安装在宽卡盘上的落锤重量而言,叶片的数量可能与推杆轴(6)的位置有关范围从30%到70%不等,具体取决于ko子草和草的含量以及割草组件的工作速度。



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