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Two Types of Morphologically Distinct Fibers Comprising Gallionella ferruginea Twisted Stalks


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Bacteria belonging to the genus Gallionella produce uniquely twisted extracellular stalks and are ubiquitous inhabitants of ocherous deposits that form in freshwater bodies (2). This genus has had an anfractuous history of nomenclature, as described in detail by Silva (7), but the current genus name has gained acceptance by most researchers (2). Although several names for this species have been proposed since the beginning of the 19 th century, the term Gallionella ferruginea has been commonly used for the most ubiquitous species found worldwide. Despite some past and present debates, it seems conceivable that the genus may consist of only a single species (G. ferruginea) and all the other described species are only ecological variants of it (5); however, much of the detailed taxonomical position of this genus is still obscure because of the lack of isolated strains. S?gaard et al. (8) used microscopy to compare iron (Fe) sludge from filter systems belonging to three different Danish freshwater plants and found that the stalks of G. ferruginea collected from one plant were composed of small, twisted parallel threads, whereas those from the other two plants were larger and typically twisted, suggesting that the two types of stalks might belong to different species. Several papers (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) have reported the ultrastructure of G. ferruginea cells and their associated stalks but the structural and elemental associations of the cells and stalks are still not well understood.
机译:属于Gallionella属的细菌会产生独特的扭曲细胞外茎,并且是淡水体中形成的cher石沉积物的普遍存在(2)。正如席尔瓦(Silva)(7)所详细描述的那样,该属的命名已有不完善的历史,但是当前属的名称已为大多数研究人员所接受(2)。尽管自19世纪初以来已经提出了该物种的几个名称,但术语“铁锈菌”已普遍用于全世界发现的最普遍存在的物种。尽管有过往和现在的争论,似乎可以想象该属可能仅由一个物种组成(G. ferruginea),而所有其他所述物种只是其生态变体(5)。然而,由于缺乏分离株,该属的许多详细分类学位置仍然不清楚。 S?gaard等。 (8)使用显微镜比较了来自三个丹麦淡水植物的过滤系统中的铁(Fe)污泥,发现从一棵植物中收集到的G. ferruginea茎由小的,扭曲的平行线组成,而从另外两个中提取植物较大且通常扭曲,表明这两种类型的茎可能属于不同的物种。几篇论文(2、4、6、8、10)已经报道了G.ferruginea细胞及其相关茎的超微结构,但细胞和茎的结构和元素关联仍未得到很好的理解。



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