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Postjunctional alpha2C-adrenoceptors mediate vasoconstriction in rat tail artery: influence of precontraction and temperature on vasoreactivity.


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The isolated rat tail artery (RTA) represents an in vitro model of the cutaneous circulation. We have characterised the postjunctional alpha(2)-adrenoceptor subtype mediating vasoconstriction to the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor (alpha(2)-AR) agonist UK14304 in RTA. In non-precontracted arterial rings at 32 degrees C, a physiological temperature for the RTA, UK14304 elicited only slight contractions which were markedly enhanced after precontraction with serotonin (5-HT; 10-50 nM). Under the condition of elevated vascular tone, the contractile UK14304 response was competitively antagonised by MK912 (pA(2) = 10.05 +/- 0.07), rauwolscine (pA(2) = 8.82 +/- 0.06), yohimbine (pA(2) = 8.45 +/- 0.04), WB4101 (pA(2) = 8.05 +/- 0.05), BRL44408 (pA(2) = 7.20 +/- 0.04), ARC239 (pA(2) = 6.90 +/- 0.05) and prazosin (pA(2) = 6.80 +/- 0.05). Schild regressions were linear and had slopes of unity. Affinities (pA(2)) for MK912, rauwolscine, yohimbine and WB41104 were in the same range as binding data (pK(D)) for these drugs at alpha(2C)-ARs of rat cerebral cortex. In addition, the presence of alpha(2C)-ARs was confirmed by Western blotting. In experiments to study the influence of temperature on vasoreactivity, UK14304-induced contractions did not differ at 37 degrees C, 32 degrees C or 27 degrees C and were similarly blocked by rauwolscine (apparent pA(2) = 8.73-8.90). After rapid cooling (from 37 degrees C to 27 degrees C), the maximal UK14304 response was enhanced only in precontracted arteries; antagonism by rauwolscine was the same before and after cooling (apparent pA(2) = 8.80-8.90). The enhancement of the maximal UK14304 response was abolished by rewarming to 37 degrees C. It is concluded that alpha(2C)-ARs predominantly mediated vasoconstriction in RTAs at any temperature tested. Since alpha(2C)-ARs may be involved in Raynaud's phenomenon, the isolated RTA represents a convenient in vitro bioassay to test novel compounds for the treatment of this syndrome.
机译:离体的大鼠尾动脉(RTA)代表皮肤循环的体外模型。我们已经表征了介导血管收缩到RTA中的alpha(2)-肾上腺素受体(alpha(2)-AR)激动剂UK14304的结后alpha(2)-肾上腺素受体亚型。在RTA的生理温度为32摄氏度的非预收缩动脉环中,UK14304仅引起轻微收缩,在使用5-羟色胺(5-HT; 10-50 nM)预收缩后,收缩明显增强。在血管紧张度升高的条件下,收缩性UK14304反应被MK912(pA(2)= 10.05 +/- 0.07),劳沃斯辛(pA(2)= 8.82 +/- 0.06),育亨宾(pA(2))竞争性拮抗。 = 8.45 +/- 0.04),WB4101(pA(2)= 8.05 +/- 0.05),BRL44408(pA(2)= 7.20 +/- 0.04),ARC239(pA(2)= 6.90 +/- 0.05)和哌唑嗪(pA(2)= 6.80 +/- 0.05)。 Schild回归是线性的,并且具有统一的斜率。在大鼠大脑皮层的alpha(2C)-ARs中,MK912,rauwolscine,育亨宾和WB41104的亲和力(pA(2))与这些药物的结合数据(pK(D))在同一范围内。另外,通过蛋白质印迹证实了α(2C)-ARs的存在。在研究温度对血管反应性影响的实验中,UK14304诱导的收缩在37°C,32°C或27°C时没有差异,并且类似地被劳沃斯辛阻断(表观pA(2)= 8.73-8.90)。快速冷却(从37摄氏度到27摄氏度)后,最大的UK14304反应仅在预收缩的动脉中得到增强。鼠用狼毒的拮抗作用在冷却前后相同(表观pA(2)= 8.80-8.90)。通过将温度重新升高至37°C来消除最大UK14304反应的增强。得出的结论是,在任何测试温度下,α(2C)-AR在RTA中主要是介导的血管收缩。由于alpha(2C)-ARs可能参与了Raynaud现象,因此分离的RTA代表了一种方便的体外生物测定方法,用于测试用于治疗该综合征的新型化合物。



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