首页> 外文期刊>NAGA,Worldfish Center Quarterly >Relative Importance of Various Predators in Clarias gariepinus Fry Mortality in Cameroon

Relative Importance of Various Predators in Clarias gariepinus Fry Mortality in Cameroon


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To estimate the relative importance of the most common predators of Clarias gariepinus fry, increasing levels of protection were afforded to exclude amphibians, aquatic arthropods and birds. At a stocking density of 10 larvae/m~2 in nursing ponds, fencing off amphibians resulted in a 28 per cent decrease in mortality. Holding fry in hapas to protect them from both amphibians and aquatic arthropods decreased mortality by an insignificant 5.7 per cent. Installation of bird-netting over the hapas reduced mortality by 21.7 per cent.The remaining 4.9 per cent of total mortality, which could not be explained, was attributed to opportunistic cannibalism, disease and/or handling stress. Increasing stocking density to 40/m~2 and, thus, reducing the food available per fry increased mortality by 28.3 per cent.
机译:为了估计最普遍的捕食克拉氏鱼类的捕食者的相对重要性,增加了保护水平,以排除两栖动物,水生节肢动物和鸟类。在哺养池中以10个幼体/ m〜2的放养密度进行隔离后,两栖动物的死亡率降低了28%。保持油炸以保护它们免受两栖动物和水生节肢动物的侵害,死亡率降低了可观的5.7%。在这种情况下安装鸟网使死亡率降低了21.7%。总死亡率的其余4.9%(无法解释)归因于机会主义的食人主义,疾病和/或承受压力。将放养密度提高到40 / m〜2,从而减少每份鱼的可食量可使死亡率增加28.3%。



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