首页> 外文期刊>Molecular human reproduction. >Expression of adamalysin 19/ADAM19 in the endometrium and placenta of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatto) during early pregnancy

Expression of adamalysin 19/ADAM19 in the endometrium and placenta of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatto) during early pregnancy

机译:adamalysin 19 / ADAM19在猕猴早期妊娠的子宫内膜和胎盘中的表达

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A disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) 19 may contribute to multiple processes including proteolysis, adhesion and intracellular signalling. These processes are also critical for embryo implantation. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatio-temporal expression of the ADAM19 in rhesus monkey uteri on days 12, 18 and 26 of pregnancy. The results showed that in the cloned monkey 346 bp ADAM19 gene fragment and 114 amino acid residues were 98 and 100% identical to those of human homologues, respectively. In-situ hybridization confirmed that the ADAM19 mRNA was located in the luminal and glandular epithelium on day 12 of pregnancy. On day 18 of pregnancy, strong signals of the ADAM19 mRNA were detected in the placental villi, trophoblastic column and glandular epithelium near the myometrium. Moderate expression of the ADAM19 mRNA was seen in the trophoblastic shell and stromal cells. The placental villi and trophoblastic column expressed abundant ADAM19 mRNA, and ADAM19 transcripts were also detected in the trophoblastic shell and fetal-maternal border on day 26 of pregnancy. The expression pattern of the ADAM19 protein was similar to its transcript, but signals for the ADAM19 protein in the stromal cells and trophoblastic shell increased more than its mRNA on day 18 of pregnancy. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the expression level of ADAM19 significantly increased on day 18 of pregnancy. These data suggest that the ADAM19 may be involved in the key processes of glandular secretion, trophoblast invasion and degradation of extracellular matrix during early pregnancy.
机译:整合素和金属蛋白酶(ADAM)19可能有助于多种过程,包括蛋白水解,粘附和细胞内信号传导。这些过程对于胚胎植入也至关重要。这项研究的目的是调查在妊娠的第12、18和26天,ADAM19在猕猴子宫中的时空表达。结果显示,在克隆的猴中,346 bp的ADAM19基因片段和114个氨基酸残基分别与人同源物的98和100%相同。原位杂交证实,ADAM19 mRNA在妊娠第12天位于腔和腺上皮中。在怀孕的第18天,在子宫肌层附近的胎盘绒毛,滋养细胞柱和腺上皮中检测到了ADAM19 mRNA的强信号。在滋养层壳和基质细胞中发现ADAM19 mRNA的中等表达。胎盘绒毛和滋养细胞柱表达丰富的ADAM19 mRNA,并且在妊娠第26天在滋养细胞壳和胎儿-母亲边界中也检测到ADAM19转录物。 ADAM19蛋白的表达模式与其转录本相似,但是在妊娠第18天,基质细胞和滋养细胞外壳中ADAM19蛋白的信号增加幅度大于其mRNA。统计分析表明,ADAM19的表达水平在怀孕第18天显着增加。这些数据表明,ADAM19可能参与了妊娠早期腺体分泌,滋养细胞入侵和细胞外基质降解的关键过程。



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