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'Europe remains important' LEGAL DEMANDS SEEN BY CJ AS A CHANCE

机译:“欧洲仍然很重要” CJ视法律需求为契机

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In many ways Europe is today frequently considered to be a region lacking in dynamics. Major growth markets are seen in other regions. This applies for productive livestock feed too. But what does the real situation look like? What role does Europe play in the strategies of global operators? Talks that FeedMagazine conducted in Germany's Rhine-Main area at the European base of the South Korean amino acid supplier CJ Europe in spring 2007 allowed interesting insights. We spoke to the Managing Director C) Europe, Tae-Hong Choi, the Sales Director Manfred Schmidt, and the Manager Business Development & Applications Engineering, Dr. Christian Westermeier.
机译:在许多方面,今天欧洲经常被认为是一个缺乏动力的地区。主要增长市场在其他地区。这也适用于生产性牲畜饲料。但是实际情况如何?欧洲在全球运营商的战略中扮演什么角色? FeedMagazine于2007年春季在德国氨基酸供应商CJ Europe在欧洲的德国基地的德国莱茵-迈因地区进行的会谈引起了有趣的见解。我们与欧洲总经理C,欧洲Tae-Hong Choi,销售总监Manfred Schmidt以及业务开发与应用工程经理Christian Westermeier进行了交谈。



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