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Delayed nitrogen application reduces wheat-lodging risk


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Irrigated growers in the northern region are experimenting with high yielding wheat, but lodging is a common problem that reduces yield potential. Research funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation has identified new strategies to address this risk. High levels of soil nitrogen (N) at planting contribute to excessive early canopy growth, which can contribute to lodging in high-yielding irrigated wheat. Monitoring soil nitrogen levels more closely will help to better manage lodging risk in high-yielding wheat crops. CSIRO's division of Ecosystems Sciences has been managing a project funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) to assess the yield potential, water use requirements and production constraints for irrigated wheat and sorghum in the northern region. Wheat across the northern region can potentially yield eight tonnes per hectare, but these yields can be heavily reduced if the crop lodges close to flowering.
机译:北部地区的灌溉种植者正在试验高产小麦,但是倒伏是降低产量潜力的普遍问题。由谷物研究与开发公司资助的研究已经确定了应对这一风险的新策略。种植时土壤氮(N)含量过高会导致树冠过早生长,这可能会导致高产灌溉小麦的倒伏。更加密切地监测土壤氮水平将有助于更好地管理高产小麦作物的倒伏风险。 CSIRO的Ecosystems Sciences部门一直在管理由谷物研究与开发公司(GRDC)资助的项目,以评估北部地区灌溉的小麦和高粱的单产潜力,用水需求和生产限制。北部地区的小麦每公顷可能单产8吨,但如果作物临近开花,则单产将大大降低。



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