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Shell acquisition by hermit crabs: which tactic is more efficient?


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Gastropod shells are limited resources for most hermit crab species, acting as primary factors in various aspects of their biology. To investigate the efficacy of different behavioral tactics adopted for their acquisition (locomotion, attendance at shell-supplying sites, interactions with conspecifics in aggregation) we conducted observations and experiments at a salt marsh in New England (USA). Locomotion, fast and meandering, significantly increased the chances of encountering empty shells and conspecifics. However, shell exchanges were rare. Simulated gastropod predation sites quickly attracted a larger number of hermit crabs than the other shell-supplying sites tested (live and dead conspecifics, live snails) and induced the rapid occupancy of all the empty shells offered, usually by the first crabs arriving at the site. Aggregations seemed not to function as shell exchange markets, as previously suggested for several other species. In the short run, exploitation seems to be more efficient for the acquisition of new shells by Pagurus longicarpus. In the long run, it is the density of nondestructive gastropod predators that regulates the availability of new shells of good quality in the pool available to this hermit crab species.
机译:腹足纲贝壳是大多数寄居蟹种类的有限资源,是其生物学各个方面的主要因素。为了研究所采用的不同行为策略(移动,到贝壳供应地点的参与,与聚集体的相互作用)的功效,我们在新英格兰(美国)的盐沼进行了观察和实验。运动快速而曲折,大大增加了遇到空壳和种的机会。但是,换壳很少。模拟的腹足类动物捕食场所比其他经过测试的提供贝壳的场所(活的和死的物种,活的蜗牛)迅速吸引了更多的寄居蟹,并诱使所有提供的空壳迅速被占用,通常是第一批螃蟹到达了该地点。聚集似乎没有像先前对其他几种物种所建议的那样,充当贝壳交易市场。在短期内,剥削似乎对于Pagurus longicarpus收购新壳的效率更高。从长远来看,正是无害腹足动物捕食者的密度决定了寄居蟹物种在池中可获得的优质新壳的可用性。



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