首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Trade-offs for the butterflyfish, Chaetodon multicinctus, when feeding on coral prey infected with trematode metacercariae

Trade-offs for the butterflyfish, Chaetodon multicinctus, when feeding on coral prey infected with trematode metacercariae

机译:捕食受meta虫感染的珊瑚猎物时,蝴蝶鱼Chaetodon multicinctus的取舍

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Predators that feed on prey infected with larval parasites risk parasitic infection and the subsequent costs parasites extract from their hosts. It has been hypothesized that selection could favor predators that feed on infected prey if there were some benefit from feeding on such prey that outweighed the risk of and/or costs associated with parasitic infection. I tested this hypothesis using a parasite-host system involving the coral-feeding butterflyfish, Chaetodon multicinctus, which preferentially feeds on coral polyps infected with trematode metacercariae. Infected polyps appear as obvious, swollen nodules on the coral colony. Coral is a relatively energy-poor food source and so the choice made by C. multicinctus to feed on infected coral might represent a trade-off between benefits gained from feeding on infected prey and the risk of acquiring and/or the costs of harboring the parasite. The rate of establishment of the trematode within C. multicinctus was low, especially compared to the fish's rate of consumption of infected coral. The low intensity of trematode infection, in field-caught fish, suggests that parasite acquisition may not be increasing linearly through time. There was no measurable effect of parasitic infection on the body condition or liver energy reserves of fish. The swollen nature of infected polyps allowed fish to obtain more coral tissue per bite when feeding on infected compared to uninfected coral. It is suggested that the benefits gained from enhanced feeding offset the costs associated with infection and thus may help explain why C. multicinctus chooses to feed on infected coral.
机译:以被幼虫寄生虫感染的猎物为食的捕食者具有寄生虫感染的风险,随后的成本寄生虫会从其宿主中提取。据推测,如果以这种猎物为食会带来一些好处,而这种收益超过了寄生虫感染的风险和/或与之相关的成本,那么选择可能会更有利于以被感染的猎物为食的捕食者。我使用寄生虫宿主系统对这一假设进行了检验,该系统涉及以珊瑚为食的蝴蝶鱼Chaetodon multicinctus,该系统优先以感染了吸虫吸虫的珊瑚息肉为食。感染的息肉在珊瑚菌落上显示为明显的肿大的结节。珊瑚是一种相对能量贫乏的食物来源,因此多角梭菌选择以被感染的珊瑚为食可能代表在以被感染的猎物为食所获得的利益与获取风险和/或隐匿其成本之间的权衡。寄生虫。多刺梭菌内吸虫的形成率很低,尤其是与鱼类食用被感染珊瑚的速率相比。在田间捕捞的鱼类中,吸虫的低强度感染表明,寄生虫的获取可能不会随时间线性增加。寄生虫感染对鱼的身体状况或肝脏能量储备没有可测量的影响。与未感染的珊瑚相比,被感染的息肉肿胀的性质使鱼类每吃一口可以获得更多的珊瑚组织。有人认为,提高饲喂量所获得的好处可以抵消与感染有关的费用,因此可以帮助解释为什么多尾梭菌选择以感染的珊瑚为食。



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