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LEGENDS: Sticker-set specials or serious metal? FPV and HSV's latest face each other, and their pasts

机译:传说:贴纸套装特价或严重的金属? FPV和HSV的最新面对面,以及他们的过去

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Anniversaries are often pretty meaningless events. Otherwise, why would blokes consistently forget them? I was supposed to be playing golf with a mate last week, but all of a sudden, he goes off the boil. "That weekend is the third anniversary of our first date," he explains. "That's nice. So what time do you want to tee off?" "You don't get it, do you?" Damn right I don't. I mean, if an event is special or important enough to celebrate, then it should be celebrated at every opportunity, not simply because the earth has completed another lap of the sun. And when it comes to cars, the anniversary model is often a fairly cynical piece of work, usually aimed at clearing a few run-out stragglers from dealerships. In fact, they're usually right up there with other 'special' models - Decal Specials, we call 'em at Motor.
机译:周年纪念通常是毫无意义的事件。否则,为什么人们会一直忘记他们?我本应该上周和一个伴侣打高尔夫球,但突然之间,他就退缩了。他解释说:“那个周末是我们第一次约会的三周年。” “很好。所以你想什么时间开球?” “你不明白,是吗?”该死的,我不知道。我的意思是,如果某项事件足够特殊或重要以至于值得庆祝,那么就应该抓住一切机会进行庆祝,而不仅仅是因为地球已经完成了另一圈太阳。对于汽车,周年纪念模型通常是一项相当愤世嫉俗的工作,通常旨在清除经销商的一些疲弱散漫者。实际上,它们通常与其他“特殊”型号搭配使用-Decal Specials,我们称它们为Motor。



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