首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Sperm storage reflects within- and extra-pair mating opportunities in a cooperatively breeding bird

Sperm storage reflects within- and extra-pair mating opportunities in a cooperatively breeding bird


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In passerine birds, storage and maturation of sperm takes place in the cloacal protuberance (CP), an external swelling of the reproductive organ. The considerable variation in CP size among species is presumed to be a consequence of varying levels of sperm-competition, but whether individual variation in CP size within a species also reflects sperm competition is not well established. Here, we study temporal variation in male CP size in relation to within-pair and extra-pair mating opportunities and cuckoldry risk in purple-crowned fairy-wrens Malurus coronatus. This is a socially monogamous cooperatively breeding passerine that can breed year-round and has low levels of extra-pair paternity (in 6 % of broods). We show that male CP size sharply increased a few weeks before, and rapidly regressed after his partner laid eggs, consistent with a cost of its maintenance and/or sperm production. Surprisingly, despite low levels of extra-pair paternity, CP size of non-breeding and pre-breeding males was positively correlated with the number of breeding females in the population, suggesting that CP size is sensitive to extra-pair mating opportunities. However, CP sizes do not seem to reflect cuckoldry risk: CP size of dominant males was unaffected by the presence of a subordinate that was unrelated to the dominant female, although those subordinates occasionally sire offspring, and had a larger CP than subordinates living with their mother. Our results suggest that, even in a species with low levels of extra-pair paternity, individual investment in sperm storage reflects both within-pair and, albeit to lesser extent, extra-pair mating opportunities.
机译:在雀形目鸟类中,精子的储存和成熟发生在泄殖腔隆起处(CP),这是生殖器官的外部肿胀。物种间CP大小的显着差异被认为是精子竞争水平变化的结果,但是,物种内CP大小的个体差异是否也反映了精子竞争尚不清楚。在这里,我们研究了雄性CP大小随时间的变化,这些变化与紫色加冕的仙女小Mal Malurus coronatus的配对内和配对外交配机会以及戴绿帽子的风险有关。这是一种社会一夫一妻制的合作繁殖雀形目,可以全年繁殖,且成对亲子鉴定的水平较低(占育种的6%)。我们显示,雄性CP的大小在几周前急剧增加,并在其伴侣产卵后迅速退化,这与其维护和/或精子生产的成本相符。令人惊讶的是,尽管成对配对的亲子关系水平很低,但非育种和预育雄性的CP大小与种群中雌性繁殖的数量呈正相关,这表明CP大小对成对配对的机会很敏感。但是,CP的大小似乎并不能反映出戴绿帽的风险:优势男性的CP大小不受与优势女性无关的下属的存在的影响,尽管这些下属偶尔会生后代,并且其CP比其下属居住的下属更大。母亲。我们的结果表明,即使在极低的配对外亲子关系物种中,个体对精子储存的投资既反映了配对内,也反映了配对外交配的机会,尽管程度较小。



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