首页> 外文期刊>Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy: official journal of the ESSKA >Normal curvature of glenoid surface can be restored when performing an inlay osteochondral allograft: An anatomic computed tomographic comparison

Normal curvature of glenoid surface can be restored when performing an inlay osteochondral allograft: An anatomic computed tomographic comparison


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to quantitatively measure the morphology of the glenoid and to assess feasibility of using the medial tibial plateau surface as a donor for osteoarticular allograft reconstruction of the glenoid. Methods: Using computed tomography (CT), 10 tibias and 10 scapular models from our database (5 males and 5 females in each group) were randomly selected. Commercial software (Mimics, Materialize, Inc., Plymouth, MI) was used to extract the bone contours from the CT images and to reconstruct the 3-dimensional (3D) geometry of the scapula and tibia. By utilizing the software Creo Elements/Pro 5.0 (Parametric Technology Corp., Needham, MA), mean length and width of both the glenoid and medial tibial plateau were calculated. Radius of curvature was then measured in each 3D CT model at three intermediate segment points that were established within the length line at 25, 50, and 75 percent from superior to inferior in the glenoid and from posterior to anterior in the medial tibial plateau. Statistical analysis was performed and determined to be significant for P < 0.05. Results: The mean (±SD) radius of curvature values at the established 25, 50, and 75 percent segments of the glenoid were 47.4 ± 17.5 mm, 51.2 ± 12.4 mm, and 45.9 ± 17.0 mm, respectively. For the medial tibial plateau, the radius of curvature at 25, 50, and 75 percent were 43.5 ± 9.7 mm, 37.4 ± 14.3 mm and 52.3 ± 21.5 mm, respectively. Values of the glenoid length were 34.0 ± 2.9 mm, and width values were 24.4 ± 2.3 mm. For the medial tibial plateau, the length was 42.6 ± 2.7 mm, and the width was 23.3 ± 4.3 mm. There was no statistical difference in the radius of curvature and dimensional surface area between the glenoid and medial tibial plateau surfaces. Conclusion: The 3D CT-based anatomic study found that there is a statistically similar relationship in the radius of curvature of the glenoid and the medial tibial plateau surface. This concept may allow the medial tibial plateau to be used as a donor for osteoarticular allograft reconstruction of the glenoid, especially in young patients where previous studies have demonstrated that the success rate in shoulder replacements is not as good as in older patients.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是定量测量关节盂的形态,并评估使用胫骨内侧平台表面作为骨关节同种异体移植重建关节盂的可行性。方法:使用计算机断层扫描(CT),从我们的数据库中随机选择10个胫骨和10个肩cap骨模型(每组5例男性和5例女性)。商业软件(密西根州普利茅斯的Mimics,Materialize,Inc.)用于从CT图像中提取骨骼轮廓,并重建肩cap骨和胫骨的3维(3D)几何形状。通过使用软件Creo Elements / Pro 5.0(马萨诸塞州Needham的Parametric技术公司),计算了关节盂和胫骨内侧平台的平均长度和宽度。然后,在每个3D CT模型中的三个中间段点处测量曲率半径,该三个中间段点在长度线内距盂关节的上下位置,胫骨平台的后部到前部分别为25%,50%和75%。进行统计分析,并确定对于P <0.05具有显着性。结果:在已确定的关节盂的25%,50%和75%的平均曲率半径值分别为47.4±17.5 mm,51.2±12.4 mm和45.9±17.0 mm。对于内侧胫骨平台,在25%,50%和75%处的曲率半径分别为43.5±9.7 mm,37.4±14.3 mm和52.3±21.5 mm。关节盂长度的值为34.0±2.9mm,宽度的值为24.4±2.3mm。对于胫骨内侧平台,长度为42.6±2.7 mm,宽度为23.3±4.3 mm。关节盂和内侧胫骨平台表面之间的曲率半径和尺寸表面积没有统计学差异。结论:基于3D CT的解剖研究发现,关节盂和内侧胫骨平台表面曲率半径在统计学上具有相似的关系。这个概念可能使内侧胫骨平台被用作关节盂异体骨关节重建的捐献者,特别是在年轻患者中,先前的研究表明,肩关节置换的成功率不及老年患者。



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