首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Supersize me: heavy eastern grey kangaroo mothers have more sons

Supersize me: heavy eastern grey kangaroo mothers have more sons


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The Trivers-Willard hypothesis predicts that, in polygynous and sexually dimorphic mammals, mothers able to provide a large amount of care should produce more sons. Tests of this prediction, however, have generated equivocal results, possibly because multiple factors, including environmental conditions, simultaneously influence progeny sex ratio. We tested the influence of maternal mass, condition, size, previous reproduction and age class on offspring sex ratio in two populations of eastern grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus). In one population, heavier and taller mothers produced more sons than did lighter mothers, but maternal condition had no effect on progeny sex ratio. Primiparous females, however, produced an even offspring sex ratio despite being smaller than multiparous females. A strong year effect on progeny sex ratio suggested a likely effect of environmental conditions. In the second population, none of the variables tested influenced progeny sex ratio. Different environmental conditions between the two populations could partly explain these results. Because maternal size and mass likely correlate with reproductive potential, we suggest that our results support the Trivers-Willard hypothesis, but other variables likely also influence progeny sex ratio.
机译:Trivers-Willard假说预测,在多性别和有性双态哺乳动物中,能够提供大量照料的母亲应该生育更多的儿子。然而,对该预测的测试产生了模棱两可的结果,可能是因为包括环境条件在内的多种因素同时影响了子代性别比。我们测试了东部灰色袋鼠(Macropus giganteus)的两个种群中母体质量,状况,大小,先前的繁殖和年龄等级对后代性别比的影响。在一个人口中,较重和较高的母亲所生的儿子比较轻质的母亲要多,但母亲的状况对后代性别比没有影响。然而,初生雌性虽然比多生雌性小,但产生了均匀的后代性别比。一年对后代性别比例的强烈影响表明环境条件的可能影响。在第二种群中,测试的变量均未影响子代性别比。两种人群之间不同的环境条件可以部分解释这些结果。因为产妇的大小和质量可能与生殖潜力相关,所以我们建议我们的结果支持Trivers-Willard假说,但其他变量也可能影响子代性别比。



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