首页> 外文期刊>Mycological Research >Phylogenetic relationships of Auriculoscypha based on ultrastructural and molecular studies.

Phylogenetic relationships of Auriculoscypha based on ultrastructural and molecular studies.


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The phylogeny of Auriculoscypha anacardiicola, an associate of scale insects in India, is investigated using subcellular characters and MP and Bayesian analyses of combined nuLSU-rDNA, nuSSU-rDNA and 5.8S rDNA sequence data. It has simple septa with a pulley-wheel-shaped pore plug, which is diagnostic of phytoparasitic members of the Pucciniomycetes, and hyphal wall break on branching, a phenomenon unique to some simple septate heterobasidiomycetes. The septal ultrastructure of A. anacardiicola is similar to that of the genus Septobasidium. The close relationship to Septobasidium is also confirmed by rDNA sequence analyses. The polyphyletic nature of the order Platygloeales, noted in earlier studies, is evident from the present molecular analysis as well. The placement of Auriculoscypha in the Platygloeales can no longer be justified and both ultrastructural and molecular evidence strongly support the placement of Auriculoscypha in the Septobasidiales..
机译:使用亚细胞特征以及结合nuLSU-rDNA,nuSSU-rDNA和5.8S rDNA序列数据的MP和贝叶斯分析,研究了印度鳞翅目昆虫的助手-无心金眼耳的系统发育。它具有带轮形孔塞的简单隔垫,可诊断伞形菌的植物寄生虫成员,并在分支上发生菌丝壁断裂,这是某些简单的分隔异源担子菌特有的现象。漆树假单胞菌的间隔超微结构类似于分离碱杆菌属。通过rDNA序列分析也证实了其与分离碱杆菌的密切关系。从当前的分子分析中也可以清楚地看到,在早期研究中注意到的侧柏目的多系统性。葡萄球菌在侧柏中的放置不再合理,并且超微结构和分子证据都强烈支持将葡萄球菌放置在Septobasidiales中。



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