首页> 外文期刊>Mycological progress >Control of pathogenic PAC strains by non-pathogenic PAC strains in planta does not correlate with higher competitiveness of non-pathogenic PAC strains ex planta

Control of pathogenic PAC strains by non-pathogenic PAC strains in planta does not correlate with higher competitiveness of non-pathogenic PAC strains ex planta


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Ascomycetes of the Phialocephala fortinii s.l.-Acephala applanata species complex (PAC) are frequent root endophytes of forest trees. Roots are colonized by multiple PAC genotypes that interact, and recent findings indicate that adverse effects on plant performance caused by pathogenic PAC strains are attenuated by non-pathogenic PAC strains. However, it was not known if this "self-control" works only in planta, or also ex planta, i.e., prior to infection during saprotrophic life of the PAC. Interactions between PAC strains were therefore studied in a plant-free system on malt extract agar. The mycelia of two pathogenic (A and T1) and two non-pathogenic (B and C) PAC strains were mixed pairwise 5:1, 1:1 and 1:5 (fresh weight ratios) and incubated at 15 and 25 A degrees C. Mycelial biomass of each strain was measured after 2 and 8 weeks. The combination of strains and the mixture ratio had a significant effect on strain biomass, whereas temperature influenced only the biomass of pathogenic strain T1. Biomass production of strain T1 was inhibited by all other strains, whereas biomass production of the other pathogenic strain A was significantly stimulated by the two non-pathogenic strains. This contrasts strongly with results from a previous experiment in planta using strains A, B and C, because the two non-pathogenic PAC strains successfully inhibited the pathogenic strain, probably by space occupation or the induction of host resistance. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the outcome of PAC-PAC interactions in planta based on the results gained from interactions ex planta.
机译:福氏小叶菜-Acephala applanata种复合物(PAC)的子囊菌是林木的常见根内生菌。根由相互作用的多种PAC基因型定殖,最近的发现表明,非致病性PAC菌株减轻了由致病性PAC菌株引起的对植物生长的不利影响。但是,尚不知道这种“自我控制”是仅在植物中还是在植物外,即在PAC的腐化生活中在感染之前起作用。因此,在无植物的麦芽提取琼脂上研究了PAC菌株之间的相互作用。将两种致病性(A和T1)和两种非致病性(B和C)PAC菌株的菌丝体按5:1、1:1和1:5(新鲜重量比)成对混合,并在15和25 A摄氏度下孵育在2和8周后测量每个菌株的菌丝体生物量。菌株的组合和混合比例对菌株的生物量有显着影响,而温度仅影响病原菌株T1的生物量。菌株T1的生物质产生受到所有其他菌株的抑制,而其他两个致病性菌株则显着刺激了其他致病性菌株A的生物质产生。这与先前在植物中使用菌株A,B和C进行的实验结果形成鲜明对比,因为这两种非致病性PAC菌株可能通过占用空间或诱导宿主抗性而成功抑制了致病菌株。因此,不可能基于从植物体外的相互作用中获得的结果来预测植物中PAC-PAC相互作用的结果。



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