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Influence of bark pH on the occurrence and distribution of tree canopy myxomycete species.


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This study compares the occurrence and distribution of myxomycete species in the canopy of living trees and neighboring grapevines. Corticolous myxomycetes of three temperate forests in southeastern USA were studied on six tree species (30 trees) and grapevines (30 vines) to determine distribution and occurrence of myxomycete species relating to geographic location, host species, and bark pH. The double-rope climbing technique was used to access the canopy and sample bark up to 16.5 m. Bark samples were examined in 580 moist chamber cultures and 44 myxomycete species were identified representing 21 genera, averaging 3.0+or-2.1 species per sample site. Jaccard's coefficient determined community similarity between five individuals of six tree species, Acer saccharum, Fraxinus americana, Liquidambar styraciflua, Liriodendron tulipifera, Platanus occidentalis and Tsuga canadensis, and neighboring grapevines, Vitis aestivalis and V. vulpina. Vertical variation in species richness was significantly different only for Platanus occidentalis and might be attributable to flaking of bark with increasing height in the canopy. Tsuga canadensis and neighboring grapevines had greatest community similarity. Cribraria violacea was observed on all tree and grapevine species except T. canadensis and neighboring grapevines. Occurrence and species assemblages of myxomycetes were associated with bark pH, not geographic location. Bark of V. aestivalis (pH 4.5) was more acidic than neighboring T. canadensis (pH 4.1), compared to grapevines of the same species neighboring other tree species. Results indicated that most species are not regionally restricted, and although some myxomycetes are associated with a certain pH range, others develop on any substratum. Future research protocols for corticolous myxomycetes should emphasize sampling adequate amounts of substrata in a local region from different host species that have a wide range of bark pH, ensuring a representative sample of species for an entire region.
机译:这项研究比较了活菌和邻近葡萄树冠层中粘菌种的发生和分布。在美国东南部的三个温带森林中,对六个树种(30棵树)和葡萄藤(30个葡萄树)的皮质类黏菌丝菌进行了研究,以确定与地理位置,寄主物种和树皮pH有关的黏菌丝菌的分布和发生情况。使用双绳攀爬技术来进入树冠和高达16.5 m的样品树皮。在580个潮湿的室培养物中检查了树皮样品,确定了代表21个属的44种粘菌种,平均每个样品位点有3.0+或-2.1种。 Jaccard系数确定了六种树的五种个体(枫树枫,美洲水曲柳,枫香,枫香,鹅掌,和加拿大扁Tsu)以及邻近的葡萄树,葡萄树和Vulpina之间的群落相似性。物种丰富度的垂直变化仅对于西方梧桐有显着差异,并且可能归因于树冠高度增加时树皮剥落。加拿大斜(Tugaga canadensis)和邻近的葡萄树具有最大的群落相似性。除加拿大小球藻和邻近的葡萄树外,在所有树木和葡萄树种上均观察到紫花病菌。粘菌的发生和种类组合与树皮的pH有关,而不与地理位置有关。与邻近其他树种的同一个品种的葡萄树相比,南方芦苇的树皮(pH值为4.5)比附近的加拿大T. canadensis(pH 4.1)酸性更高。结果表明,大多数物种不受区域限制,尽管某些粘菌菌与某个pH范围相关,但其他菌种则在任何基质上发育。皮质类粘菌的未来研究方案应强调从树皮pH值范围广泛的不同宿主物种中,在局部区域取样足够数量的基质,以确保整个区域具有代表性的物种样本。



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