首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >A female preference for experienced males in the almond moth, Cadra cautella.

A female preference for experienced males in the almond moth, Cadra cautella.

机译:女性对杏仁蛾 Cadra cautella 中有经验的男性的偏爱。

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Male mating status can affect female reproductive output if male ejaculate investment declines over consecutive matings. Accordingly, females are predicted to mate preferentially with virgin males. In mildly polyandrous lepidopterans, female fitness is less affected by reduced male investment than in more polyandrous species, and so the predictions for female mating preferences are less clear. We examined female mating preferences in the mildly polyandrous almond moth, Cadra cautella, in which ejaculate size does not affect female reproductive output. First, we allowed females to mate with virgin or once-mated males, in which the males were presented individually or simultaneously. We recorded the latency to mating and, in the case of the simultaneously presented trials, the identity of the successful, copulating male. We found that females mated more frequently with mated males (when simultaneously presented with both males), yet females did not differ in the time taken to initiate copulation with any male. We further examined if this mated male advantage was due to differential mate detection or locomotory behaviour of the male treatments. We tested the ability of virgin and mated males to locate a receptive female within a wind tunnel using long-distance pheromone cues and recorded their activity budget. We found no difference in the ability of mated or virgin males to locate or approach a receptive female, or in their activity levels. These data suggest a female preference for mated males in this species, a preference that may minimise other potential costs of mating.
机译:如果男性射精投资在连续交配过程中下降,则男性交配状况会影响女性生殖能力。因此,预计雌性优先与处女雄性交配。在轻度多毛鳞翅目中,雌性适应性受较少的男性投资的影响要比更多的多毛鳞翅目物种少,因此对雌性交配偏好的预测还不清楚。我们研究了在轻度多毛杏仁蛾 Cadra cautella 中的雌性交配偏好,在这种情况下,射精的大小不会影响雌性生殖能力。首先,我们允许雌性与处女或一次交配的雄性交配,其中雄性单独出现或同时出现。我们记录了交配的潜伏期,在同时进行的试验中,记录了成功交配的雄性的身份。我们发现,雌性与雄性交配的频率更高(同时与两个雄性同时出现),但雌性在与任何雄性交配所需的时间上没有差异。我们进一步检查了这种交配的雄性优势是否是由于雄性处理的差异性伴侣检测或运动行为引起的。我们使用长距离信息素线索测试了处女和交配的雄性在风洞中定位雌性的能力,并记录了他们的活动预算。我们发现未交配或未交配的雄性定位或接近易接受的雌性的能力或其活动水平没有差异。这些数据表明,该物种中雌性对交配雄性的偏好,这种偏好可以使其他潜在的交配成本最小化。



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