首页> 外文期刊>Mutation Research: International Journal on Mutagenesis, Chromosome Breakage and Related Subjects >Intercomparison in cytogenetic dosimetry among five laboratories from Latin America.

Intercomparison in cytogenetic dosimetry among five laboratories from Latin America.


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As part of a regional International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) collaborative project within Latin America, five countries participated in an intercomparison in cytogenetic dosimetry. Coded slides for chromosomal aberrations and micronucleus analyses were prepared by the coordinator laboratory which organized the exercise and sent to the other participating laboratories. For estimates of dose, each laboratory scored the frequency of dicentrics in metaphases and the frequency of micronuclei in binucleated cells. The lymphocytes were irradiated with 60Co gamma-rays (0, 0.75, 1.5 and 3.0 Gy). Eleven of the 15 estimates of dose based on dicentrics and nine of the 12 based on micronuclei fell within +/- 30% of the true dose. When considering the uncertainties of the dose estimates, the true dose fell within the 95% confidence limits of the estimates on eight of the 15 occasions for dicentrics and four of the 12 for micronuclei.
机译:作为拉丁美洲内部区域国际原子能机构(IAEA)合作项目的一部分,五个国家参加了细胞遗传剂量学的比对。协调实验室准备了用于染色体畸变和微核分析的编码玻片,该玻片组织了实验并发送给其他参与实验室。为了估计剂量,每个实验室对中期的双着丝粒频率和双核细胞中的微核频率进行了评分。淋巴细胞用60Coγ射线(0、0.75、1.5和3.0 Gy)照射。 15个基于双着丝粒的剂量估计中的11个和12个基于微核的剂量估计中的9个在真实剂量的+/- 30%之内。当考虑剂量估计的不确定性时,对双着丝粒的15次中的8次和对微核12次中的4次,真实剂量落在估计的95%置信范围内。



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