首页> 外文期刊>Mutation Research: International Journal on Mutagenesis, Chromosome Breakage and Related Subjects >Induction of micronuclei, hyperdiploidy and chromosomal breakage affecting the centric/pericentric regions of chromosomes 1 and 9 in human amniotic fluid cells after treatment with asbestos and ceramic fibers.

Induction of micronuclei, hyperdiploidy and chromosomal breakage affecting the centric/pericentric regions of chromosomes 1 and 9 in human amniotic fluid cells after treatment with asbestos and ceramic fibers.


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This article describes the induction of micronuclei, hyperdiploidy and chromosome breakage in human amniotic cells in vitro by amosite, chrysotile and crocidolite asbestos, and ceramic fibers. The response of human (amniotic fluid cells) and rodent (Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts, SHE) cells to fiber treatment was compared using the micronucleus assay. The data of the rodent studies were taken from a previous investigation (Dopp, E. et al. (1995) Environ. Health Perspect., 103, 268-271). All types of mineral fibers caused a significant increase of micronucleated cells. The kinetochore analysis revealed that all three types of asbestos and ceramic fibers yielded similar effects. Approximately 50% of the induced micronuclei were kinetochore-negative indicating formation through clastogenic events. Human amniotic cells were much less susceptible than SHE cells to the induction of micronuclei by mineral fibers. This again demonstrates that SHE cells are more susceptible to chromosomal changes than humanamniotic fluid cells. The application of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with tandem DNA probes yielded more detailed information about specific structural chromosome aberrations in the 1 (cen-q12) and 9 (cen-q12) regions and about abnormal numbers of chromosomes in interphase human amniotic fluid cells. Using this FISH approach we found a statistically significant increase of chromosomal breakage in the pericentric heterochromatin regions of chromosomes 1 and 9 in interphase human amniotic cells after exposure to asbestos and ceramic fibers compared to control cells. The number of hyperdiploid cells was also significantly increased. Our results show that asbestos fibers as well as ceramic fibers are inducers of structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations in human amniotic fluid cells.
机译:本文介绍了通过铁石棉,温石棉和青石棉石棉以及陶瓷纤维在体外诱导人羊膜细胞微核,超二倍体和染色体断裂的方法。使用微核试验比较了人(羊水细胞)和啮齿动物(叙利亚仓鼠胚胎成纤维细胞,SHE)对纤维处理的反应。啮齿动物研究的数据来自先前的研究(Dopp,E。等人(1995)Environ.Health Perspect。,103,268-271)。所有类型的矿物纤维都会引起微核细胞的大量增加。线粒体分析表明,所有三种类型的石棉和陶瓷纤维都产生相似的效果。大约50%的诱导微核是动线粒体阴性的,表明是通过杀乳作用形成的。人类羊水细胞比SHE细胞对矿物质纤维诱导微核的敏感性低得多。这再次证明,SHE细胞比人羊水细胞更容易发生染色体变化。荧光原位杂交(FISH)与串联DNA探针的应用产生了有关1(cen-q12)和9(cen-q12)区域中特定结构染色体畸变以及相间人羊水中染色体异常数目的更多详细信息细胞。使用这种FISH方法,我们发现与石棉和陶瓷纤维相比,相间人类羊膜细胞在暴露于石棉和陶瓷纤维后,在染色体1和9的外周中心异染色质区域中,染色体断裂的统计显着增加。超二倍体细胞的数量也显着增加。我们的结果表明,石棉纤维和陶瓷纤维是人类羊水细胞中结构和数值染色体畸变的诱因。



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